My guild my guild is awesome

not if i dont use bof my friend. I like salt on my steak however.

Hey, my guild asked me to switch to Boomkin/Balance spec a few weeks ago from Restoration, for a bit more class/spec variety in our raid group, since we had 3 Restorations spec Druids, and too many healers in general on our core raid team. The other 2 weren’t interested, but I opted-in just for the change of pace. Hate how I have to opt for cloth pieces to get any decent dps armor gear though. It is a pretty weak DPS spec in Classic though, and won’t even begin to shine until TBC Classic. Not all guilds are min-max, facerolling try-hards, & just work with what is there & try to have some fun while clearing content.


Nobody in particular. But if the words are read by even one raid leader out there and it causes them to remember that their raid team are actual people, and not just character sheets, it was worth posting.


@cathorist what kinda loot system does your guild use? Just curious

5 manning BWL with 2 rets 2 warriors and a prot is pretty dang impressive. How do you do it without the heals?


i am pretty sure were at the point when we understand that some people, like my guild, just were looking for normal everyday people to enjoy the game with. I think we all figured out that everything is viable and the game is 15 years old. We all know things, basic things, now we didn’t know back in the day. Its the dad elitists that ruins the experience.


Oh certainly, and I really don’t think I’ve stated anything to suggest otherwise. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I personally agree. That’s why I’m not in a raid group where every raid spot is competitive, and every slot is open to those who would perform better

People are what make the community, and being part of that group is something I personally enjoy. I’d much rather have fun (personally), and spend 20 minutes more a week in MC, than be stressed out about performance, have a couple of hours/week of pre-raid prep, and possibly be replaced if I wanted to play a spec I enjoy and the raid wasn’t clearly suffering for it.

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Chess is much older. So is golf. So are a great many games that some people play more casually and others play professionally.

While I have no disagreements with anything you’ve stated, I do not believe that the length of time WoW has been around suggests that anybody should play it in any way that doesn’t suit their preferences.

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Except that’s not the name of your guild it says New Llama Order. Cool name, but differs from the post title by several syllables

epg its pretty good and 100 percent fair. No one ever complains. The leadership is really really chill and laid back.

And i solo healed bwl with jesus, but since jesus christ was holy im not sure how well he parsed.

We dont really raid prep much. We did farm cloaks, and some fire res pots early on, but now, except the ony buff that is dropped all the time on our server, we dont do much of that because we dont have to. The part dad elitist dont get is, the game has passed the point of when we needed that stuff 15 years ago because on average we are just better players. And all classes are viable now as they were then, you could argue that if blizzard knew how strong mages/wars would have ended up with a advanced player base they would have been nerfed. #nochanges remember?

Instead of countering and crying about someone else on a honestly outdated game and what they are doing, be happy that the no changes went into effect and you were not nerfed to a 400-500 dps max with litterally half the other specs.

That’s great man. We use suicide kings with two separate list. One for tier and non tier. Totally fair and no issues

omg, i have failed the llama. Khlause you are right, I will now be kicked.

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For a significant portion of raiders, the objective of the game (apparently) is to clear Onyxia, Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair in <3 hours, then logout until it’s time to do it again.


Forty man raids were designed to carry 15 sub-optimals.

I mean, I am glad you are having fun but this

Whatever your goal was by posting all of this I hope it brought you some small amount of peace. Also welcome to Earthfury, when did you all transfer over?

My guild’s better than your guild.


I mean I’m glad you having fun but you come off waaay more toxic than the elitist you are trying to ‘own’.


reread it all i was saying how happy i was first thing i got was a mage crying because we are clearing content.

been here since the start.

if either of you played paladin and not holy, dealt with what i deal with on a daily basis you would revel in the fact you were in a amazing guild.

only toxic i see is pained and vol being toxic about owning people who are toxic.

my name is cathorist, and i approve this message, for classic wow president 2020

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Ret pala is not a high skill cap class lol

Its always trash in pvp what are you on about.

It was good at the start when you outgeared people, actually really good. But now that everyone is handed ez peazy epics like you say ret is dookie butter.

The only mages you’re beating in pvp are 1 armed handicap people.

Even then they have a really good shot keyboard turning to kill you.

I mean we could all come to the forums and brag about how we dumped on bad kids with a bad spec but who cares

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