My guild has been destroyed?

Same problem here

Same problem here

To be fair, Winnetka, your phrasing, specifically the request to have the issue escalated, did seem like you weren’t aware that I’ve already acknowledged the issue and specially stated that it was being looked into.

Perhaps you aren’t aware of what that means but it means that it is already escalated to those that will investigate the matter and work on finding and implementing a resolution.

A ticket shouldn’t be necessary as there is nothing that our In-game Support staff would be able to do in this situation. It needs to be addressed on the development/QA side, which is what is happening already.


Ty for the info Vrakthris, i got worried for a sec when I got the disbanded msg on my toon


I cancelled my ticket, hope its fixed soon :slight_smile:

The messaging is more than a little disconcerting. :slight_smile:

As soon as I hear anything new I’ll try to provide an update here.


Having the same issue on every one of my guilded chars

I was online on an alt and got the message “Your character has been removed from the guild Lightnings Hand because the guild has been disbanded.” I’m the GM of Lightnings Hand, so I’m quite sure I didn’t disband it.

The guild does not show up in game on any of my characters. Pressing J shows my Lightnings Hand community but not my guild. I cannot see the roster. But I can open the guild bank. The calendar is gone. There is no guild chat. The guild recruiting message is available in the guild finder.

While the guild may exist, more than just the channel is gone. My carefully curated calendar is gone as is the ability to add to said calendar. Guild bank is present and accessible.

This is why using a “Discord” technology wasn’t the way to go for guilds. They are different beasts, with different requirements. But it is what it is.

In the meantime, the guild Community channel seems to work as a stop-gap measure.

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Any update or eta on the fix yet?

Rest assured, when they have something to share, they will share it :wink:

Blizzard doesn’t tend to give ETAs as most people forget what the E stands for!


Vrak just posted this an hour ago…


Maybe this is a big buildup scheme to 8.3 – N’Zoth is corrupting Blizzard systems!


Thanks for the update. Should we create an in-game ticket for this? @Vrakthis

GMs wouldn’t be able to fix it, so no. Just sit tight; from what V said, they have engineers working on it!


I think it is widespread enough to have a bnet warning, having a message that you’ve been kicked from your guild and it was destroyed is a little alarming to say the least.


Agreed, my response, was, "{Removed due to inappropriate language}

That would be extremely helpful and appreciated. I agree that as people log on for the evening they are concerned about what is going on and there is no way to let them know the situation.


The guild I’m in some people still see when guild members log in and out so they inviting members to a raid group when they log in to let them know they still in guild and whats going on, so they dont freak out. then the people leave and play or stay and support those still freaking out, like the guild leader who thought it was something she did

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Same issue, hope they can fix it soon. Today was our first day for recruitment day for the next patch.