My guild has been destroyed?

I’m having the same problem here. I’m in the guild Milk on the Malygos server (Horde) and it said our guild has been destroyed. (Not disbanded). The guild finder button is unavailable and my character still says its in the guild.

Went to type in guild chat and it isn’t showing up. Shows that I’m not even part of a guild. Communities seem to be down as well.

Same. My GM thought our guild had been deleted

Seems like communities / guilds are down.

I do still have access to the guild bank, and mouseover still shows the guild under my name. Shouldn’t interfere with my guild’s activities, as it stands now.

Thanks, Lockthrohk. I believe it is the community channel that has been “destroyed” in this case, which is what is being looked into. The messaging is certainly odd, but the guilds are still very much intact and untouched, outside of the community channel.


It seems so that they are intact as I can still see members obtaining achievements.

Same problem for me on US-Uldum . No Guild Chat, no Calendar Entries, and the Guild Pane shows as if I’m unguilded. The guild MOTD still prints as well as guildmates coming online or going offline. A /who of “Ray” shows I’m still in Subvictor, but this is going to be VERY alarming for a lot of my guildmates -

Can we please escalate this up the support chain? Guilds and social groups are the foundation of the community for WoW!


did you read Vrakthis’s response?

That is good as you are gonna get here. If something changes, I’m sure an SFA will make a statement or announcement as they always do.


Mine is also not working on Alleria server.

I did read it. Adding to the chorus is useful information. I’ve opened a ticket too. Seriously, letting a blue know it’s widespread isn’t a bad thing - squeaky wheel gets the grease. If Vrakthris doesn’t want to hear from more players with this issue s/he can lock the thread.

Stand down, forum deputy.

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okay…:roll_eyes: no need for the hostility.


You certainly can close the ticket as this is a known issue. More tickets for something GM staff can’t help with only inflates the wait time for things they can handle. I’m sure though they appreciate the observations though.


Same problem here

Same problem here

To be fair, Winnetka, your phrasing, specifically the request to have the issue escalated, did seem like you weren’t aware that I’ve already acknowledged the issue and specially stated that it was being looked into.

Perhaps you aren’t aware of what that means but it means that it is already escalated to those that will investigate the matter and work on finding and implementing a resolution.

A ticket shouldn’t be necessary as there is nothing that our In-game Support staff would be able to do in this situation. It needs to be addressed on the development/QA side, which is what is happening already.


Ty for the info Vrakthris, i got worried for a sec when I got the disbanded msg on my toon


I cancelled my ticket, hope its fixed soon :slight_smile:

The messaging is more than a little disconcerting. :slight_smile:

As soon as I hear anything new I’ll try to provide an update here.


Having the same issue on every one of my guilded chars