My god, today's interview

This guy gets it.

All the screeching about eLiTiSm, seems to forget that.

Anyone else imagine a gnome going "“Cheers love! Calvary is here!”?

That has had to be the most boring interviews I have ever tried to listen to. Ion is just so bad at explaining/trying to justify things.

Think I’m just going to throw all these threads on ignore since it was apparently a 6 way glue huffing contest that went on before these guys colluded to make these threads.


Picking a spec that Blizzard puts in the game will never hinder the group. Every spec exists to be playable and is qualified for all content.

Depends on the standard of the group. For some groups, just passing go is enough. For others, they want to maybe pass go faster. Win conditions are different for everyone.


This. You can’t have the game content contradict your game philosophy.

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The standard is what Blizzard says it is.

Maybe the devs can introduce some cool solution for bad social impositions by designing each dungeon and raid to require abilities from all covenants (on a rotating basis for M+) for group success.

No, the standard is what the group says it is. This is an MMORPG. The “MMO” is just as important as the RPG.

This would be a much more exaggerated version of all specs having a certain raid buff. And that became incredibly damning not for hardcores and not for hypercasuals that would be excited at the thought of hardcores suffering, but it became damning for the mass audience in the middle that started to struggle to feel groups because the game was balanced around those buffs.

Guilds on the low end have a hard enough time recruiting. Having to recruit based off of covenant abilities as well as the pre-existing metas would be a nightmare.


Any guild that does this deserves low recruitment numbers.

First, it was not an interview. It was not described as an interview. It was not conducted like an interview. Blizzard did not want an interview. It was an hour long discussion with one of the bigger WoW streamers by the lead Dev of the game about a single topic. Clearly Blizzard understands the potential issues with this decision on their part.

Second, Your assumption about Preach’s statements is not correct. Plenty of people play competitively on different levels. There are many players who push hard just to beat heroic but are competitive. Their opinions mirror Mike’s and are just as valid as yours.

Because they’re wildly different games. Blizzard has decided for several years now that they want WoW to be a competitive game, and they have supported it as such. The MDI, the arena league, and world first raiding are all things they actively promote.

Why should they leave? Why is your opinion on how the game should be played outweigh someone else’s so much that hey should like what you like or leave without complaint? Why do you think that fewer players of WoW is the best answer?

Please. If this was a decision you didn’t agree with you’d be screaming on these forums.

This issue is similar to the one of flight. You had lots of players who claimed they wanted flight removed from the game because they liked it better that way. They wanted to force their permanent idea on other players in order to make them conform to their idea of the game. Meanwhile you had another segment who wanted flight who argued that if you didn’t like flight, you didn’t have to fly. They wanted players to have agency over their own character.

Now, its happening again. Some players want the agency to make their own choices. Others want to force them to make pseudo-permanent choices and live with them because that’s how they choose to play the game. Once again, the best answer IMO is agency. It allows the players who want permanent choices to have them by not changing while allowing the switchers to do what they want. Everyone wins except those who insist that other player’s fun is wrong and demand compliance.


It is not the guilds fault that some specs are absolutely horrible. Low end guilds likely have low end talent, and a low end spec is going to be even worse for a low end taletned player than it is for a high end. You don’t seem to understand how much more these compounding issues hurt the casual player than they do the hardcore huh


seems to be a relatively common theme amongst alot of these posts. they think if we disappear the trickle down just stops and everything is utopian and theres no issues and no RIO and no damage meters… only we get affected by changes x y z. if anything we suffer less cuz we have rosters devoted enough to play around them. meanwhile the guilds genuienly trying to get off the ground and are just quality nice people on the lower/mid end of the gameplay spectrum just die because they cant recruit.

i wish there was a way to communicate your point even clearer but it seems pretty obvious to me.


Sounds like you’re saying “do what mythic+ streamers want or EVERYONE will have a bad time!”

I hate it when people create threads without any ounce of insightful commentary or conversations topics.
This post is complete gibberish. I don’t think you even fully understand the conversation between Ion and Preach, or what Preach is even arguing for.

Preach is not arguing for changes that benefit the top 1%.


Do you think Metas are something that have only existed since streamers?

May I ask which post-WoD expansion you started playing this game in?


The one where you get mini Diablo for purchasing the collector’s edition.

I’d like every spec to play different, but also be wanted and viable. That might be asking too much. But everything being the same is bad too

This is probably a troll but I agree. I like preach’s videos but his interests dont align with mine and I dont care at all if mythic raiding is worse

For me, the game was fine subwise and participation wise when we had 1-2 difficulties and things like random stats on item drops did not even exist.

Blizzard keeps trying to make artificial timesinks to keep player retention, when it was never needed to begin with. Their stupid decisions and catering to a fraction of the population has basically locked out most of the game for the average joe, which makes them quit.

I loved that as a filthy casual I could do Molten Core. I did most of WOLK ICC heroic. I actually felt like I was getting somewhere in the game. Now? Lol no chance. I need to line up so much and spend so much time prepping that I am already out of the picture before I even start.

Hardcore min/maxing has ruined the game. Blizzard has fed off peoples addictions here, and made sure you are in a perpetual grind for eternity to min/max your character.