My god, today's interview

did you forget what you originally responded to?

And I came in with my opinion. So where do we go after that.

I am not an amnesiac

Well I don’t know accept your opinion was a waste of pixels and move on

So was yours so welcome to the club. I guess we can all say the same thing.

Do you also have a Canadian girlfriend?

You are literally advocating a position that will make the community worse not can but will. It’s going to cut off choice far more than it is now.


You literally focused on the one thing you disagree with, and ran with it. I mean network as in make friends, join a guild, make a team to run with. Along with io doesn’t matter if your running with your own group, it only matters when your pugging, and yeah burn me down for saying this. If I’m trying to do a 20+ key, and you apply with a subpar to low io, I will not bring you. For the fact that I simply have not played with you, I would like to push the key rather than take a risk and have it fail. As personally I will always complete a key, others will not if its going to fail. So I would rather build my group around proven players that I can use a score to say, yeah they seem to know what their doing. Rather than risk it with someone who may not, drag the key down, and deplete it down a level which goes against all the hard work I put into it. I can tell you for a fact that most everyone had to do what I just said to bring their io up, now granted it is late in the teir. However there simply is no one but you stopping yourself, which is why you would rather cry about it than do something.


Things got to get worse before it gets better. This community needs a wake up call.

What other mmo that you supposedly play at a high level has a story choice that stops you from being able to use 3/4ths of the new spells in an expansion without a massive grind?

I really want to know because it’s not a thing in FF14 or Swtor or Secret World


That’s exactly right. The legacy of instanced competitive e-sports trying to exist in an MMORPG.

MMORPGs are a poor choice for this. The experience is firstly immersion and secondly social. That’s the extent of it. Some challenge is good but not the kind that exists in retail today where you’re grooming dozens of people to find that 20 capable of doing the end game.

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Min/maxing isn’t needed by anyone other than the RWF participants. It’s something people want to do and it benefits people at every level no matter how many systems are in placed.

You don’t get to decide what people want to do.


The rest of the stuff you said, I really did not care to answer because it was your two cents. No point in debating something that I have nothing to say on?

The way you want to play the game, makes the game worse for me. It is that simple, I want to be able to get into the end game stuff, but not with how this community acts, and not with tedious system on system that wants me to change talents, change gear all to do certain content.

That is just layers that I don’t want. And min/maxer enjoy it. Fine, but I understand that we both can’t have our way, and right now Blizzard is changing things I want. To get what you want would make the game worse for me. I rather I get what I want than you.

It is that simple.

I’m starting to wonder how many people don’t even have a dps meter installed

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I don’t either, so we agree on that aspect. I was talking about all around. You should be able to excel in one area, but not every area, and not any area.

As a non min maxer I’d really prefer to swap things around so I don’t get stuck being wiped out by things they haven’t balanced right and even if they did balance it right I’d still like the option to be able to move things around

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by horrible do you mean ion did not said anything you WANTED to hear and didnt gived a damn about anything else he said?
is this a new type of stupidity?

Honestly, the casuals stay casual because of fear and anxiety towards how others might treat them for how they play… even when it is someone trying to help them play better in a non-hostile manner. I speak from experience… because I’m a casual, and that’s exactly what I did when the guild I joined for a battle pet dragged me into their heroic nyalotha runs.

I was scared and intimidated about messing something up, or that I wasn’t doing well enough. I didn’t want to sim nor really knew how. The only effort I put into my toons was looking up talents on icyveins (and azerite traits, and essences… and corruptions… good lords bfa sucks). I slowly learned though, I made some better talent choices and found the azerite traits I needed… I set the line at changing my spec though and nobody gave me any grievances for being an Arcane Mage.

The only gatekeeper keeping casuals from doing harder content is themselves. I went back to my own server with my minuscule bits of knowledge and started at the bottom, with my WQ welfare gear joining into the scary world of pugging… and went up to another two AoTC’s and ~800 RIO score. (I’m not a big fan of BfA’s dungeons to be fair, so earning more score will be difficult because the ones I still need to do for score are the ones I don’t like at all.)

As for the systems argument… I agree we need less systems or, even better… NONE, and just fix the core of the game. But saying you want less systems or that systems are ruining the game and making it harder to get past that hurdle of being casual… and then praising that a system is going to be in place that you can’t change without a massive cost to your time seems a little strange. While azerite armor and essences are very bad, at least I could change them when I realized how awful my choices were, and it only cost me a bit of gold and some extra grinding… I didn’t make a whole faction hate me and lose all my invested AP though.


This a reminder that most, if not all, RPGs released today have some sort of respec mechanic and that ‘meaningful choice’ is largely relegated to story not gameplay.


Underrated comment. I’m really beginning to think this as well.

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Agreed :+1:

Agreed even more :+1: :+1:

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