My god, today's interview

That’s because he is right

This forum has the worst possible outlook on WoW of any conversation space

Most the people here are frankly clueless


In the Ion interview I watched he said they would, but information changes quickly if so that would be highly preferable.

You ever listen to yourself and wonder gee, maybe I’m the reason why people don’t bring me along? Maybe its because I simply do not perform well with my class and spec, and would rather blame others for my short comings. I can say from personal experience you being as vindictive as you are currently is going to keep holding you back. It’s no ones fault but yours, if your io is low. Do what everyone else did and network, make a group and push keys to bring it up. Otherwise keep throwing your revenge driven pity party, to try to make everyone else burn along with you cause you simply refuse to learn your class better and not drag a key down with you cause your simply not performing well.


Yes but that goes the other way. We can’t be certain at the moment.

I just chuckled about this.

I do end game on other mmos just fine. Wow is the only game that I don’t do it in because of how people act in it.

I did not have this problem with wow, until they did the whole servers can play with each other stuff, as if I had a problem with a community I would just switch servers. Now only a select few servers have a community at all really.

Look at your answer to the problem? Got to network? Really? All because players don’t want to take a extra few mins to get something done? The gameplay design as reinforce this negative outlook where we are competing with each other in everything, and it forces players to treat each other like trash.

You pretty much use a addon to tell you that this player is worth your time, and judge them base off what they did. Do you understand just how crazy that is from the old days? Just how bad this community really is? And Blizzard Encourage it.

Now that we shaking things up, and making it harder for some of you. It is the end of the world.


That’s not how interviewers should be lol… I get voicing your displeasure but he clearly is salty towards the design of things. I just think he really needs to fix that up if he wants to be a proper interviewer.

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I’d be curious to see how this forum would react to burning crusade releasing today.

Wonder if we’d get complaints about how horde get paladins and alliance shamans. Or if there would be complaints from warriors about paladin tanks.

How dare that dirty hybrid paladin hold better AOE threat then my warrior, the true tank.

I think it’ll be interesting seeing people be different again.


It’s streaming/youtube. There are no “proper interviewers”.

That’s nonsense.

I am not a raider and I agree with Preach on a lot of this. Preach has such a narrow way to play, he literally doesn’t realize a lot of people don’t want all these systems upon systems. A lot of people aren’t interest in all this lore/rp business.


Numbers wise is quite different to utility and other effects that affect your gameplay, which should not be the same for obvious reasons.

But your covenant shouldn’t reduce your output by 25% if it’s the “wrong one” either.

Says who!?

If you gave me the platform to interview the lead dev and I had two options

Ask a whole bunch of boring questions

Or rip into them about the big issues

I’m going with the latter - preach isn’t a journalist, he’s a WoW content dude and at his core a raider and lover of the game
He was the voice we needed him to be in the moment


That’s fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to agree with his style or approach.

Try actually reading the forum? A lot of people have been saying the same thing.


Why not? You pick to be strong in other areas.

Being weaker in aoe, but strong single target. I see nothing wrong with that at all.

Because the forums make up the whole game, said no one ever.

The loudest does not mean the most.

I don’t think he was after your approval for it

I don’t think he went in there trying to come off like a good dude

He came in with a dude with a bone to pick

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This post being flagged by the community sums up everything one needs to know about this line of thinking.