My god, today's interview

This right here. It really tainted my view of how they handle rental power in general but a lot of it is just bad ideas of rental power and base class power.

There’s no good reason why any normal required damage type is an on / off switch with regards to rental power. That’s what BFA presented anyway.

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It’s because Blizzard insists hard content must be like Touhou Target Dummies that last upwards of 12+ minutes.

More people play BfA than Classic.

The idea that our “choice” of a “subclass” is between vampires, fairies, zombies, and angels is just dumb.
It’s even worse when your talents for the next two years are locked behind that “identity.”


One year from now, this forum will be FLOODED with casual players complaining about the incredible grind to change covenants.

Bet on it.


I think they would want that too, but there is this expectation that if the last 2 bosses aren’t 300+ pull bosses than the raid is boring and easy.

Feels like I’m at the twilight zone with reading some of these peoples comments, holy shoot.

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They should just copy-paste that post from the blue yak about that subject, then.

Hell I just want to play the expansion using an ability I like with an aesthetic I like.

The issue I have is that’s not an option.

Lumping gameplay (ability) choices in with cosmetic/aesthetic choices isn’t a good plan


and we will tell them that then don’t change convenants, and if the community won’t let you do content because of said one you pick. That is a community problem.


If Blizzard actually balances this properly (this is the key), you won’t need to min-max your covenants to perform.

I don’t see an issue with a permanent covenant choice should they all be very close to each other numbers wise.


Blizzard is terrible at game balance, though. Have you watched the neverending rounds of buffs/nerfs to corruption in 8.3?


You have to consider the fact that there are streamers, and world events that also exist. That brings a lot of attention and revenue to the game too. Like blizzcon for instance hosts a lot of the final events for world cups in all of blizzards current games. As for the covant issue I do agree that in their current state they are heavily unbalanced. I have a feeling that regardless of the ill will or good intentions of others, there will be a ton of problems that come of them. If they nerfed them then it would be okay given the choice would be minimal in terms of output and would serve a niche situations like racials are currently. However, given how they currently are and how impactful they will be to endgame content. I don’t think their a good idea, I think their worse than azertie given the solution to azerite was getting duplicates of BiS traits to make swapping easier without having to reforge. Which brings me to my point of preach made some good points in my opinion, and it simply will not just affect the “1%” that you all seem to hate for whatever reason.


Are you trolling?

I heard Preach was letting loose a few punches at Ion.

Granted he was a little reserved, but he definitely was asking some good questions overall and pushing back on answers.


It can’t be balanced properly to the standards that this community wants.

Also if all the choices you make are near the same. That would be boring as F, and your choice would not matter.

Your choice SHOULD impact your gameplay.

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What if a person just wants to maximize their performance?

Are they wrong if they aren’t playing the game what you deem correctly?


I did not see that at all. I saw him getting upset as time went on because he was not getting the answers he liked, and started talking like he knew what was right. LOL

I have a concern about conduits myself, I really don’t want to have to farm and refarm conduits because I “didn’t pick the right one”. Blizzard may not want Metas to exist but so long as mmos are a thing they will… even non mmos have them.


You can still do that but you got to pick what area you want to do it in.

So yes, you kinda are. Because you want to take away player choice, and rpg elements we been asking for…just so you can min/max.

Player choice is not just about looks, The choices you make should have a heavy impact on your gameplay, and they at last doing that. So you wanting to be powerful in every way DOES hurt me.

They won’t be destroyed.

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