My friends are lvl 20 ish and I haven't played yet

All good I understand, you’ll play with them soon and catch up don’t worry

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OP, your situation sucks, but you were asking to be trolled by making a thread like this. That’s just how these forums are, unfortunately.

Just wait a few days. Your friends will probably start slowing down big time when they get in the 40s and 50s and you should be able to mostly catch up. Also, keep in mind that gear isn’t a big deal in Classic beyond meeting resists for certain raids. The dungeons are easy enough that you’ll be able to run Scholo/Strat/DM with them even if you’ve “fallen behind”.

Oh you can bet he’s been given a vacation for awhile cause of all his posts lol

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I’m probably gonna give it a few weeks. I come home from work at 6pm during prime time.

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This is kinda cringy.

Exactly mate. Maybe they can’t do two things at once and are mad at those that can. Have to start flinging the insults because they don’t like waiting. Pity party that way boys ----->

Hey, to some people 15$ is nothing to scoff at. To some people, 15$ for a month’s entertainment is a good deal to help save and put money elsewhere. So if they are actually scammed out of it (even tho imo OP wasn’t) then those people should be angry. THOSE people. Which is prolly not OP imo.


As am I as I run my 11 warlock to Crossroads… it can be done people. It is fun to come on the forums during a long run from Razor Hill to Org to troll the trolls who are so obviously trolling.

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Caxtren and Cowslip still going at it, you guys know that I can easily afford the 15$ a month, I said that because I paid 15$ to wait in queue instead of playing the game.

It’s almost as if phones don’t exist and you can’t use forums on them while one handed running across the map for that 1 damn quest you HAVE tk complete to keep doing the chain…

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I said you were most likely not in the boat of needing the 15$ badly… I gave an example as to why some might be over that amount.


All jokes aside, this thread went viral! Entertainment at its finest.

137 is viral? :thinking: Idk…

This is why I took next week off instead of launch week. I’ve accepted that as a 9-5er I’m just fubar from playing this week. I’m not rerolling to another server just to pass time waiting for things to smooth out. That’s a complete and utter waste of time if character transfers aren’t a thing. I’m not interested in playing just for the sake of playing, which is what a lot of other people seem to be advocating. Quality > quantity, and I’d much rather have an overall better quality experience playing with my rl friends in the long run than get instant gratification from moving to a less populated server now.

At least I have an extensive steam collection.


I’m not sure why you feel the need to bring up you can easily afford the $15, and then complain that Blizzard scammed you out of it. Heck I go through that much a week just for coffee. I’m real sorry bud that your friends went on without you. It probably would have been awesome to play with 5 all the way up to 20, but it doesn’t always work out the way you want. But I wouldn’t unsub over it. You have other options? You had several listed in this post.

If they aren’t gonna reroll for you they don’t sound like great friends lmao, make new, ingame friends, keep your irl friends to just that, irl. I’d be salty w/ my friends if they wouldn’t wait or reroll, not blizzard.

So hold on a tic, there’s something I don’t get here.

If you are playing at the same time as your friends so that you’re all in game together, you’d all be logging in around the same time, and if there’s a queue, it’d be roughly equal for all of you.

If that isn’t the case, then two more possibilities strike me:

Either your friends are playing at other times than you are, and therefore not experiencing queues - but this means you wouldn’t be playing with them, you’re just trying to level at the same pace as they are.

If that isn’t the case, then your friends are playing longer hours than you are, possibly avoiding queues by logging in earlier, but in this case, you were always going to be outlevelled anyway.

I’d be curious to know what the details of your circumstances are, whilst I might be missing something, it seems it’s not adding up in my mind?

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Thats your fault for rolling on an overpopulated server, not blizzards. You scammed yourself bud


The math adds up to like 19 hours. He said he works 10 hour days, 6 hours of sleep, 1 hour Q and 2 hours of play. Where the hell is the other 5 hours?! But ya, he’s gone lol. Given a forced vacation and good riddance to bad apples imo.


Your friends sound awful if they would wait for you a little bit. Maybe get some new ones.