My friends are lvl 20 ish and I haven't played yet

Not to mention the fact that EVERY time they open up a new server, it’s full in a matter of hours…HOURS not days. Yesterday there was literally NO server that existed that didn’t have thousands of people waiting in a queue. But of course, Charrels here fails to even take that into account before he opens his mouth and spews forth the same crap everyone else says “hurrr Blizz said to move and you chose to stay so just deal with it hur durr” People HAVE rerolled even multiple times and it literally did NOTHING to solve the problem. It’s better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all possible doubt :roll_eyes:

There are plenty of servers currently live with no queues.

This thread is nothing but toxic trolls trying to salt peoples wounds. If you’re on here telling people to re-roll on a server without a queue because it worked for you, then you’re obviously lying. you’re on the forums not playing the game just like everyone else.

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Well yeah this is during off peak hours…it’s just after 1am where I am…so of course there’s no queues. Everyone who has to go to work or school in the morning has gone to bed. No surprise there

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I’ve had a fantastic time leveling up so far and my realm gets around a 12-15k queue in the evening.

6303 baby.

Easier said than done.

Someone who would expect a group of people to specifically cater to them is just as awful.

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I"m playing a paladin, slowly leveling, and talking on the forums while my character hits stuff with her hammer.

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I wish I could sit in queue for my main server while playing on a secondary alt server.

Classic is all about casual.

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Nope, Myzrael, Zero queue.

Low pop, which is what I like. I see many other NE people, chat with them in general, etc. But there are not TOO many of them, so you can still do quests.

How are your “real life friends” able to play enough to be level 20, but you can’t?
Also, It kind of points to some flaws in your friends. It would have been better if you all waited and jumped on a low pop.

Hey, Myzrael is up to “medium”, gets off my server! :wink:

It took me 4 minutes to get on!

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Some folks can’t believe others can chew gum and walk at the same time. Or read the forums while you play. :slight_smile:

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Alright, Im confused. Whats wrong with logging in when you can and catching up to them? Are they playing 24/7 and never logging out? How do they manage to get in but not you?
I rolled on incindious, found a 6 hour que, picked another with no que. problem solved.

Uses an alt to post, probably on a normal server…

Normal server. Opinion not valid.

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It’s only been a few days, it’s not that hard to catch up, besides, if they’re actually good friends they’ll help you out once you do get in.
Don’t get me wrong: the situation sucks and it is Blizz’s fault for lack of planning and underestimating demand; however, if they’ve level 20 at this point, they’ve put in quite a few hours and it sounds like you don’t have that sort of availability - it seems they would’ve left you in the dust regardless.

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how did u change to a wow classic character?

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How did your friends all get in but you have yet to? I’m assuming you all play around the same time roughly if you planned on leveling together?

" Kaivax

230 posts

Community Manager


With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing. We expect this to result in smaller queues for realms that have large queues, and some realms should no longer have queues at all.

We will closely monitor performance and stability throughout this process.

Thank you very much."

2:40PM here ya go

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