My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

That’s fine. Not that grindy, but it’s subjective.
He just proves my point that there are a bigger group that likes to jump into games to do whatever.

MMO’s don’t really work that way.

Maybe your friend is trying the wrong genre of games.

5 minutes is not long enough to realize that the game is too grindy.

We are currently in a long period between the start and the first patch, one of the longest (if not the longest) first period of any expansion. At this moment in game there are:

25 World Quests
Covenant missions (for Anima etc)
Covenant ranks
The Maw (Ven’ari rep etc)
Torghast (Soul ash)

And that’s just for now, I can only assume there will be more repeatable content introduced in 9.1. and then more brought in for 9.2 and whatever follows.

You can’t say it’s the least grinding expansion when we’ve seen only a part of it. It’s just more of the same, spread out over a ridiculous delay in content releases.


It really seemed to me like it was going to be great at the beginning. Then reality set in hard with covenants and issues with anima. End-game was decidely not fun and that pretty much just killed it.

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I didn’t make it too far into this expansion before I mostly stopped playing. I could tell it was going to be super grindy and I’m fairly casual now adays. I may make a return at some point… my impressions of this expansion aren’t that great though.


i haven’t logged on since i think thursday.

come home from work, shower, eat dinner, by the time im done usually it’s around 830pm. i like to lay down and watch tv for like 1-3 hours before i sleep. maybe eat some snacks too.

before though i’d do the same BUT i’d play maybe 2-3 hours then go to bed. idk why im like this now idk if it’s just the game or because i kinda work like a 9-5 job now. Usually i work stuff like 6am-2pm or like 4pm-1am so i kinda got time to play still but now it’s like i aint got time to do much unless it’s my friday.


I think a fair few people are doing that. The fact that they need to introduce “catch up” in the game is a prime example of what’s wrong with the game now. If it was fun to play and rewarding in a meaningful system, we wouldn’t need catch ups because we’d be playing it all the time.

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Same. Shine wore off for me after 2 weeks of release

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If you consider bad quality, quality of course.

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The entire reason the game still exists 17 years after release is because casuals pay the bills. Whether casuals are happy matters more than any other group. It’s astonishing how consistently bad your takes are on almost every topic.


Sometimes I decide to pay with the ‘show offline’ option if I just feel like listening to stuff and plunking away on quests. If your friend decides he feels like playing he’ll come back another time <3

in 9 days it will be 2 months since the last time I logged in…

and seeing what 9.1 has to offer… eh I guess :man_shrugging: I can pass.


I only log in to buy more gametime with my scrooge mcduck pile of gold. So I can keep playing classic.

Semi related. Please add wow token to classic, so I can stop logging into retail at all.


I just want pvp gear to actually be the best thing for pvp. Why can’t someone get honor gear and immediately feel useful in pvp? Why did this have to change from previous expansions? I don’t want to pve or grind out a meaningful set of pvp gear. I’m fine with conquest gear but I shouldn’t be utterly useless unless I grind till the cows come home. WHY DO THINGS THIS WAY? WHAT IS THE REASON?


lets pretend like we believe this friend exists.

which part? I don’t find it overly grindy at all, at least compared to regular WoW.
Unless you’re grinding anima in which case you’re…they’re playing the game wrong.

Being casual has nothing to do with doing rated content.

Nobody is being forced to do anything (ok, except maybe Torghast I’ll give you that) You’re choosing not to participate in content.

I’ve completely given up on trying ‘gear’ my characters. Now a days I merely, log in and run a random BG and log off. The game is like a vacuous soulless void now. WoW use to really engage and grip me in.

The whole game feels bad unfulfilling and unrewarding…my gear sucks as a casual and I get stomped into dust in 2 seconds by the hardcore well geared types.


2 out of 14 in my friends list have logged into this game since Dec, and January. Systemlands ftw :laughing:


So people rush to get their ‘world firsts’ and gear and then complain that they have nothing to do. I take my wow like I take my HBO Max…I pay the 15$/month as long as I get something out of it. I don’t waste my time on 90% of the stuff on HBO Max but the stuff I do I enjoy and every now and then I find something extra that I wouldn’t have seen without having it so I think it’s worth my 15$/month same goes to WOW.

15$ month is about what a hamburger meal so if you think having a hamburger is worth your 15$ then have it but if you don’t or hate hamburgers then have something different I just don’t see the reason why you come here and complain how much you hate hamburgers:)

What comes to grinding…all MMOs are grindy by default.

Actually have the same.

I find myself procrastinating when it comes to logging on.

The Main Quest system is unrewarding and uninspired.

The LFG tool is atrocious.

Arbitrary difficulty sliders are paradoxical.

The only thing left is the comparative view of performance, riddled with poor class balancing and specs with glaring design holes.

And unranked battlegrounds are so horrendously imbalanced from ilvl power creep, those are pure “avoid” (if there was something to hope for, they’d be worth doing, but the ilvl cap is 194, and you’d be still stuck playing against 226/233).

The only thing left is to take a break until 9.2 because the PvP “refresh” is looking like a dud. A system of “pick 3 cards” is something I expect from a free to play mobile game, not PvP talents in World of Warcraft.

@Kneeshooter; unfortunately, catch-up mechanics are needed because this game employs a weekly timegated “Gambling Vault” system. Again: “Something I expect from a free to play mobile game.” Not one with a box plus subscription cost.


This has never been the case, outside of templates in legion, which were universally hated.

You were either getting farmed by gladiators in expansions where ranked gear was best in PvP, or raiders in expansions where raid gear was best.

This fantasy land where you won’t get farmed as someone relying on honor gear, won’t ever exist.