My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

And then he logged off =(

He says the game is just too grindy, and that he just wants to play

but you force him to do content he doesnt like. like boreghast and rated pvp (hes a casual pvper, doesnt care much for rated stuff)

man this game is so sad =( so many of my friends have quit this xpac =(

plz stop forcing content on people. let us gear by the content we enjoy please =(

edit: didnt expect this thread to get so many comments

i am mostly talking about a casual pvp player. for you pve players yeah the game might not seem so bad… because u can do pve only and get everything u need from pve…which is way easier lets be honest… (getting into mythic+ groups/making mythic+ groups is way faster than finding rated pvp groups, and pveers are way way way less toxic and elitist than pvpers)

also… mythic+ is so easy and u basically cant fail and even if u do nothing really happens.
… but if u lose a rated pvp game u lose rating… your partner most likely rage quits and u r back in LFG for another 15-30 mins

but for a person like him who only has maybe an hour or 2 to play most days… he just wants to PvP. he is not interested in sitting around waiting in the garbage LFG system… sometimes you wait around for 30+ mins before even getting a group!

man… just let casual pvpers get gear too… even if its way slower… even if every piece of 220 gear was like 10k honor… these types of people want to play pvp in their short free-time… they dont want to spend half their play-time sitting in the garbage LFG =(


5 minutes more than most people.


lmfao =(

sad but true. i have legit lost so many friends =( and these people stuck by thru all of BFA… so i guess a lot of ppl find SL even worse than BFA it seems =(


Right now I’m just logging on and trying to do some dungeons without thinking about all the extra stuff I still do not have on this character yet. It still hangs on my mind anyways when I trying to do the next harder mythic and I think I haven’t done any yet because of it. It’s like guilt that I haven’t put in the time to be my best to get into the harder content and perform optimally. I ain’t the best player already, going in handicapped by no legendary or conduit really is not good! Lol

Yet I don’t even want to do that stuff too much despite that. I don’t really wanna do Torghast.


Wait till your friend actually has to start working in the real world lol. No matter what job you have out there folks, they are going to be repetitive as all heck. I mean, yeah you can get a job you love and like, but there still are going to be annoying things with any job, things that quite frankly no one really wants to do, but you do them anyway.

So this logic of your friend quitting wow because he finds it to repetitive or whatever. Maybe wow wasn’t the game for him anyways. Real life is repetive and grindy. Wow is grindy. All games are grindy in some aspects. The question is, do you like the grinds enough to keep playing. If not, well your friend is quitting. Blizzard isn’t forcing things on anyone lol. You either do all the stuff you need to do to gear up and stuff, or you quit or whatever. It is wow, and it is clear that your friend does not like the repetition, but the game is not going to adapt to him, which is the case most of the time.

Heck people hate lvling so much that blizzard allows you to skip the process. So hopefully your friend finds another game he likes with repetition he agrees with.


2 bad expansions in a row is too much for most people.

BfA and SL are equally bad in my opinion. SL has better class design, but the systems/gameplay stagnation has dragged on for longer and BfA had bosses/raids and storylines that I actually cared about.

I was subbed pretty much all of BfA because I kept expecting things to improve and still cared about my progress in the game. I couldn’t care less about progressing my retail character anymore because I know it doesn’t matter. I will never again play it for more than a couple weeks at a time.


I stopped logging in too, to be honest. And I’m someone who likes rated PvP. But the reality is that PvP this expansion isn’t fun for me, and I dislike all of the problems Blizz has created with systemlands.


comparing a video game to a job. yikes

video games are something that most people do for relaxation and fun. yikes brother!



Torghast is mandatory for like… a week. To get a base legendary. Those things are frontloaded as hell, you don’t need Rank 5 or whatever.

Rated PvP is only mandatory if you do 0 PvE and want to progress further with gear. I don’t see why more serious content rewarding better gear is a problem.


This is a really awful comparison. Most people work out of necessity, not for entertainment XD


The problem is they think they are. The lawyer is clueless.


i agree. man that guy made a really stupid post. oof.


Amazingly enough this game serves that purpose just fine – but players for some reason “need to have the best gear” in order to enjoy their time, and that’s where they fall into the trap of systems in the game.


So you are saying you should not have to “work” for anything in video games then? Sound logic.

My comparison was that akin to a job in the sense that wow does, well did require alot of work. But, the work was actually fun. I mean seriously, if the friend in question here does not find the work and the tasks required of him in wow fun, then it makes sense that he is quitting.

What is rediculous to me is how the op here is like, omg blizz, cater to this stuff. We should not have to do any of these things to progress, or to gear up. Like, this is how it is. Suck uit up and play or move on. Just seems wierd that he is asking blizzard to remove those restrictions, like i do not think that is how it should work.

In modern wow you can do pretty much anything you want, as long as you believe in opening your wallet. Paid lvling boosts from blizzard if you hate lvling. Progression boosts and gearing boosts from other players if you hate gearing up. I mean, it is already pretty user friendly, but only if you want to pay for it.

Is the work required in wow really that boring? Is it unfun. I don’t mind putting in the work required in wow to receive the things i want in wow, and this is how it should be. I mean, his friend clearly does not like the requirements that he needs to put in to play the game in a way that makes it fun for him. And he is moving on. I just think it is wierd that the op is like, stop forcing players to do this stuff blizzard. Like blizzard does what blizzard wants lol.

I’m never for comparing work to a video game as they serve vastly different purposes. But if we are gonna go that route then SL feels like being overworked and underpaid. All stick no carrot.


Well, maybe this genre isn’t for him. In this genre we have character progression AND power progression. If he doesn’t want to partake in both progressions and would rather jump right into the content he wants then log out for however long, then jump back in, well… this game isn’t for him. That is how Fortnite and CoD works, not WoW.

I am glad the developers are adding more RPG aspects to this mmoRPG, the loss of a few players is worth gaining the quality of an mmoRPG.

Is he though? People who even claim to hate the game refuse to leave. I think the players are the clueless ones.

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Not if enough people tell them to not do it :slight_smile:

BFA was grindy, but it also had the good with the bad. It had fun small augments to mess around with via Azerite Powers. It had big augments to mess around with via the Essence System.

Even for the broken mess that was corruptions, felt really fun to play with.

My personal gripes with shadowlands, beyond the removal of gameplay augments, is the removal of spec focus. I really don’t care about class focus because retail isn’t classic, and it shouldn’t pretend to be.

For all the complaining I had about BFA, I miss you. At least it was over the top fun at times, at worse a grindy mess. However, I didn’t mind doing work every now and then for the little bit of Azerite to get me the next ring.

Bonus; when the catchup mechanics came around in during 8.2, it actually felt good to play an alt. I felt like the realm of what I could play opened up immensely. I ended up playing every class in BFA.

All and all, my opinions for this expansion? I’m not going gear anything outside of what I find enjoyable, I don’t even know if I’ll actually gear what I find enjoyable. There’s not going to be any catchup mechanics for a system that’s fun. One of my favorite specs from BFA, Enhancement, was more fun, in my opinion, as the “blue fury warrior™”, or at least other people call it that.

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