My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

Five minutes is pretty quick for getting tired of a grind.

I know what he means though. Instead of quitting I have just gone back to the content I enjoy. Lately, I have been playing Warcraft 3 and retail’s TBC. You know what? I have been having a lot of fun.

I really wish blizzard would learn from their past sometimes, they have had a lot of good ideas with the lore and gameplay they have really moved on from. Like the netherwing rep grind, I find it so much fun. Every rep level is combined with it’s own dailies and unlocks new story quests, and the idea of being this double agent is so much fun. I feel like the dailies these days are so pointless, I only do callings for the gold.


The difference between honor gear and conquest gear in wod PvP was 10 ilvls, 740 vs 730. There was only 1 level of conquest gear.

Taking into account the level squish means that that same difference would be 3.5 ilvls. Not 35 ilvls.


And in world content, I should get obliterated if our paths cross.

In an arena though, what are we afraid of to meet ilvl at a cap?

I always use WoD as my example

Someone pointed out to me that I’m comparing end of expansion with the start of an expansion so I’ll reevaluate come 9.3 but I’m gonna guess there won’t be a system in place for fresh 60s to be within 95% ilvl of a fully geared M raider in 2 hours.

it’s still not an e-sport. normalized gear has that aroma of communism. great if you’re below the curve, sucks if you’re above it.

don’t give them any ideas.

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Then remove rating requirements.

It either is, or it isn’t.

I agree. Rating requirements have turned PvP into a sandbox where overgeared elites earn real money income selling boosts to players desperate to break in.


I quit logging in. It’s a waste of time tbh. I mean, what do you really get from it? Something that makes you frustrated and angry? Why deal with a company that forces you to spend 8hrs a day on their game? No ty.


Nice strawman there, I hope you understand that the Devs who created this legendary game only did so because they were upset about how grindy Everquest was and they thought they could do better.


i don’t know what that means :slight_smile:

but the devs created it because they wanted to bring the warcraft storyline to RPG mode where players could live it without only being an RTS game. everquest lol k

so you’re either brand new to the game, or just wrong. :frog: sowwy for being strawmanny…whatever that means :cup_with_straw:

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Obviously you don’t know the history of this game, just Google about old Jeff Kaplan Everquest rants or even Alex Afrasiabi rants and inform yourself.


I dont understand why people gotta moan about other people moaning.

ok they didn’t create the game on their own (especially jeff kaplan). they may have been disgruntled everquest players, but that’s not how the idea of wow came about…have fun with that thought though lol

well if his sessions are 5 minutes ofc everything is too grindy 0.0

there are phone games for that

meanwhile id like real grinds as opposed to having to find inventive ways to stay busy while waiting for the next tuesday.

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Short answer, yes. Long answer, yyeess. Torghast is a boring, tedious grind. There is no challenge, just overbearing monotony. Maw is the same, a long boring grind. Covenant campaign the same. Long. Boring. Grind. Covenant campaign wouldn’t even be an issue if Cap’n Hazzikostas had an inkling of how to balance, but having to do NF campaign for every character gets insanely dull.

That’s odd. I logged in today on two different alts, played for most of the day, and never once felt like I was having to do any of the stuff I chose to do. I had fun.

People do grinds in a game because they want something cool out of it, not the ability to actually go do content.

People used to spend hours doing content chasing cosmetics and upgrades that weren’t nearly this big in gap, now they have to grind just to be able to step foot into the content - and there’s more grinds required than ever just to have a solid footing into mid-tier stuff.
Also, it’s not just a grind, some players - the majority - aren’t able to hit 1800 (10%) or 15’s - and hence, boosting is now out of control. The game is harder than ever and also has more limited time rewards than ever. Telling people to just “git gud” in this genre just leads to them having others git gud for them because they don’t care.

Conduits were the thing that just made me want to give up entirely.
How much extra crap do I have to do just to be on equal footing? Like, I have the conduit, and now I have to grind so what’s essentially my talent tree also gets stronger?

Just go back to gear and talent trees and give us good fun content to do that isn’t the same dungeon 30+ times a patch between M+ and conduits. No wonder people are getting burnt out.


I gave you examples, there are interviews out there where they talk about the “making-off of WoW”.

This game exists because the genre was too grindy and the devs thought they could do better and be successful, what they didn’t expect was that they would create a world phenomenon.

The current design team seems to be going in the opposite direction, adding grind for engagement metrics like it’s a phone game.

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110% roflmao.

Diablo 3 has more RPG elements than WoW does if all that matters is power and character progression, as well as a wider diversity of choices your class can make without immediately getting dumpstered for not being the right covenant, the right spec, or even with the right legendaries.

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I’m having trouble staying motivated to play as well.