My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

Lets be honest… The friend is you. You logged in for 5 mins… I don’t blame you, I don’t log in much anymore either.


I farmed honor gear for a day in MoP and was able to have no problems in pvp. The rated gear was a little better but not by much which is how it should be, and pvp power stats kept raiders from ruining everything for a season or two.

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blizz just hates all casual players and they just dont care about them unsubbing because when johnnycarryme goes into a twitch streamers page and buys a boost from 0-1400 for 600k gold thats 80 dollars in blizz’s pocket.



Multiplied by every person who looks to that and goes “oh, it’s normal” or “I guess this is what you have to do to play this game”. Up to players to decide whether the ethics level is “just enough” to warrant continued play or disengaging, but Blizzard certainly doesn’t make the choice easy – the game has the capacity to be great, but the company is just around middling (and falling).

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SL is really really bad. Probably worse than WoD at this point, but we won’t know completely till 10.0.


Well that is good. It’s called one MAU.

I’m grateful that in the day since you posted this other people had the right mind to drag you for such an ill-conceived comparison.

Totally agree. WoD was better. Honestly SL is the worst expansion I’ve ever played. (Been playing since Cata).
MoP was my favorite.
I’ll rank them: subjectively. (Just my personal opinion of the ones I’ve played).

  1. MoP
  2. Legion
  3. Cata
  4. BFA
  5. WoD
  6. SL -hands down the worst for me.
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There is an answer for rated and unrated PVP. Assign an individual ELO rating to everyone the way Chess does, except base it more on than just wins and losses. Make sure performance is included. This is necessary to get rid of those being carried.I think RIFT tried that but they kept the rating hidden.

The present system is just terrible. The learning curve is so steep with arenas the average casual just quits after getting curb stomped so badly and cc’d to death and they never come back.

My system would be much better. Your individual ELO rating would be with at all times, for all queues, and it would be clear the steps you need to take to improve, instead of having your self confidence destroyed by stepping into a rated arena for the first time.

I missed MoP and Legion due to working too many hours… I really liked WoD though. I’m a huge fan of the Garrison. I have played since day 1 of WoW outside of those two expansions and I have to say SL is the worst one.

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Yeah, this is false.

MoP and WoD both had solid PvP gear.
ilevel gaps weren’t nearly as extreme in older expansions either, especially during the first season.

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For me it feels too linear. I take tons of breaks, play super casual now. Play different classes and went back to healing maybe… but in the end it feels boring because all they try to do is get you to hit lol 60 to do end game content/farm old content for mounts and xmogs.

I mean this is also why they sell 60 boosts too it caters to the linear progression imo. Leveling is fast but boring af. Miniscule rewards for leveling like riding skills or flying.

Just my 2c

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That’s generally my experience too. Log in, do the few easy things I can do to make gold, then log out.

I do an M+ twice a week. Aside from that, nothing else.

The game’s awful for anyone not interested in being super competitive. If you don’t want to grind out IO score to compete, if you don’t want to do rated pvp, if you don’t want to push for world first raid… then well, you don’t want to play WoW. Because that’s what WoW is.

WoW is a lobby for people to gather to pursue their next competitive venture.


Least grindy it’s been in a long time

They do no such thing.

Casual PvPer has no need for either. That would be the same as me saying in a causal PvE’er who enjoys M+ and I’m being “forced” to raid.

BG and Skirmish queues pop fairly quickly. No need for the LFG system. Only need the LFG system for rated PvP content, which he doesn’t want to do, so there ya go. Easy solution

As you trivialize Johnny Casuals. That’s rich, do you even read the tripe you type?


It’s really not.

In PvE you choose your difficulty. In PvP, other people choose your difficulty.

By Blizzard making the gap between casual and rated pvp gear so severe, they make it so that casual pvpers really don’t have a game to play.

And I say this as someone who is relatively well geared. When I do BGs I either get farmed by people with FULLY upgraded raid/pvp gear… or I am able to heal through an entire enemy team if they’re all using ‘casual’ pvp gear. The gap is utterly ridiculous.

Sounds like your friend knows his games.


I wanted to take you serious but the constant “=(” made me not take you seriously and you look like a 12 year old. But on a side note you DO get rewarded for the content you do. If you do only world quest then WQ gear and Normal dungeon gear is there for you. Casual pvp you say? There is plenty of casual pvp gear. I never understood why someone who does such casual content wants the same gear as someone who does heroic/mythic dungeons and higher keys yet scream to get that gear handed to them for not doing anything too difficult.

PvE I’ve got 4 other people that dictate the difficulty. Lol

I mean, that same difficulty exists in pvp too. But the difference is that in pve you choose how strong your opponents are, but in pvp you can’t make that same choice. lol