My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

Says a lot about the game to me friend


“But Shadowlands is so good especially with BFA over!!” -literally everyone on the hypetrain

Kind of sad that this was easily predictable.


Aye lol didn’t even log today…though the 12 1/2 hour shift may of had a role in that xP

for me shadowlands is tied with Bfa for worst expansion. I liked the story in BFA i don’t in shadowlands. I like the graphics in both, I prefer BFA zones to shadowlands zones not saying shadowlands zones are bad except the maw it sucks.

Both expansions have highlights and for pvp my primary end game focus shadowlands might just barely come out on top because of how rough the final patch of bfa was with corrupted gear everywhere infesting pvp and no vendor for gear.

I have played very little now of both maintaining a subscription logging in less and less. Im down to a few hours a week now as I wait for TBC.


World of metricscraft.


Thanks, Ion. Your opinion has been duly noted.

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A videogame is an entertainment product. It is supposed to be entertaining in the same way that watching television is. Clearly you have no idea what it is to work for a living and be paid checks to put up with the inconvenience.

What is ridiculous to me is how you are here like, omg blizz, nobody in the game should have any fun. That’s apparently how you get your jollies, knowing you destroyed other people’s fun. Suck it up and get a life, loser. Seems weird you even play a multiplayer game if you hate everybody else because you think they’re all doing life wrong.


There’s a lot to do in SL. Your friend must be easily bored. I’ve never had so much to do on one character in previous expansions.

Honestly, 9.0.5 having zero content was the nail in the coffin for me. I’ve read that this should have been expected, though I’m not sure what consolation that offers.

I don’t really care what was announced about changing methodologies – we had transitional patches at a point in time. Now we have to do time-gated work after the patch is already out, class imbalance and bugs and all… Eh, no thanks.

Look at Classic patch design after BWL. AQ has a launch event. Naxx has a launch event. What did Shadowlands have? What did Nyalotha have? What was the last launch event? Legion?

I’m tired of lazy dev work. I’m tired of paying a full game equivalent every four months (plus services and expansions) and getting a fraction of a game every time a patch is released or a new expansion launches. It’s just not worth it. I’m not sure if it ever was.

Maybe I’ll resub in six months time, but probably not long enough to even see much of Korthia, let alone experience the raid. Especially with the stupid amount of gatekeeping players do now… Maybe some good old wholesome Minecraft server is the way to go.


I agree with this to an extent. I don’t think people who play solo content only should have a gearing path equal to group content.

However, I think the rating requirements on rated pvp gear function more as a punishment than a reward. Those who are already good do not need the gear to achieve high rating. Those who are learning may actually see a rating improvement from their gear improvement. Though, I still think pvp gear should be primarily acquired through rated pvp, I think the rating restrictions are a net negative (unique cosmetic/mount/title rewards for rating are 100% fine).

The disparity between raid difficulty gear is fine. I don’t think this needs changed. I.e normal raid gear vs heroic vs mythic.

I think m+ gearing is mostly fine ish right now too.

The only real issue I have with gear are rating reqs. Before people tell me to get good, I understand that gear isn’t the reason people don’t climb, but personally I like the ability to grind out for as much of a gear advantage as possible so I don’t have to worry on that front and can remove gear as a variable to think about and focus on my personal play.

Maybe that train of thought is backwards, but it’s the way I’ve always thought about it.

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i’m doing torghast for fun every week. dont even need the the ash.


That’s just you being ungrateful. /sarcastic

I was having fun with rbgs until i met gladiator players at 1900 and 2k rating doing boosts.

So now normal players get punished and get screwed out of 2100 because those games are filled with boosting gladiator players who already have 233 weapons.

And no it was never this bad in the past, boosting is way worse this expansion.


It was bad in BFA. You just didn’t see it in PvP because PvP wasn’t a method of gearing most of that expac.

I had a few friends tell me of gold they bought (non-legit places) to get boosts back in BFA. Other friends were parts of booster communities.

I don’t remember seeing it in Legion, though I was far more casual (and have despised M+ since it was introduced – greater rifts belong in an ARPG like Diablo 3, not in an MMORPG like World of Warcraft).

Yea its just really lame, especially if you just do pvp and not mythic +/raiding. Then you are stuck with 220 gear going against 226 and 233 weapons.

I dont get the system either, ive had games we lost to 2400 mmr teams where youd think we wouldnt lose a lot of rating since they were higher but we still lose 13 points its dumb.

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As far as rated arena goes, I think it’s crazy they let you bring in your own “artifacts of incomprehensible power” to “pwn teh n0bz”.

I get progression is a part of the game (and PvP scaling in BFA was really not good), but I really wonder if any true roleplaying D&D fanatic is thinking about those contexts before they pull the trigger… or if it’s “strictly business” and seeing which spaghetti sticks to the wall.

There was boosting in Legion. But it seems like each expansion has several times the boosting ads of the previous one.

Boosting is profitable to Blizzard. Changes have been made to the game to make it harder to break into end content if you’re not already elite. The learning curve is steeper, yet much of what was formerly “casual content” has been nerfed, trivialized, or in the case of random PvP, been changed into a currency dispenser where the best-geared premades are the only things that matter in determining who wins.


that’s only 3-6 ilvl difference. hardly enough to decide a match.

233 - 220 = 13

ilvl/gearscore is also exponential gain.

if the guy’s wearing THAT much 233, he’s a few levels above you skill-wise too.