My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

I’ve been online twice this week. Once to run a key with the guildies and once to tell them I’d be in Old Republic.

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It’s less grindy than BFA was. Nothing I can remember was worse than essence grinding. The problem with SL is that the limited grinding that we need to do is really boring.

That happened.

I do 1 or 2 icc runs for old times sake.

Then go elsewhere. I did bounce a few classic servers for a few hours this weekend. Need homes for TBC. Horde BE can’t be made yet so I run a throw away horde to see that angle. Alliance I see where i’d be happy to CE/boost.

So checking out pings and such. and if people on for my asian time based hour. My retail guild for a char or 2 is a ghost town for this. Early on…I saw more. Now like 1 or 2 people.

I am deciding if I run with the OCE peeps no rp servers. Or risk slow times on the US rp servers.

I made some beef stroganoff and a tall glass of ice cold coke (drink soda like twice a year lol)

God it was good.

Retail wow isn’t really all that grindy, but all of its content is setup behind constant gating of some sort.

Weekly torghast
Weekly collect souls
Daily callings (albeit pretty optional)
Weekly collect Anima
Weekly Vault content (however much you want to do)
Daily/Weekly maw content

None of these are particularly grindy. In fact you can knock out the serious stuff a couple days into reset if your schedule allows you that time and once you knock out the bulk of these things (most of which are weekly) you are left with little else to do except grind BGs/Arenas or dungeons.

Blizz-trd: all contents are optional you don’t have to do em!

oh wait these contents suck so i have no contents to play XD

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Basically. While the stuff is there for mog hunters…its priced badly. Scaling has content not fun to run. So…some like me are going well I can do this in 10.1 lol. Pretty sure anima farming will be speedy as hell in 10.1. Like getting order resources in BFA and sl is for legion.

Now? Nah…I get better results killing an hour leveling skinning and leather work in classic. With hard work and dedication it actually makes some BiS gear.

The other concept BFA started and SL made worse. Crafting is meh. And BoP. Not all desire to make 20 million in the AH. I’d happily spam sl more. If my leatherworker could make nice gear to hook up alts. Can’t even do that.

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It can still be full power in rated play, where it matters. The ilvl gap will eventually lead to fewer and fewer casuals joining unrated BGs, queue times skyrocket and then all the rated players with their high gear will only have each other to play against, so then it’s just rated without the rating and queue-able.

They will also complain about the queue times and demand Blizz fix it.

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.

He doesn’t like raiding. He doesn’t like rated PvP. He doesn’t like M+. He doesn’t like Torghast.

So let me get this straight - and I need clarity here but what the F$&K did your mate ever do in the game?

I mean seriously. Torghast you only have to do to get dust if you need it for legendaries.

Sounds to me like your mate is pissy they took away titanforged gear from WQ that gradually put him on par with competitive players.

If your mate leave the game it’s no loss. Sounds to me like he was never actually playing any aspect of it anyway.

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Basically. I ahve an alt who coud use fixing but not even touching pvp at this point. At this point eve pvp is nicer. I actually can actually “git gud” there or buy the gear I need to not die like a muppet.

WOW you take a 170 and get primaried by 200+'s…graveyard time. At the end of my pvp try in SL I was going even this is RNG. Are your side’s 200+'s better than the other side? Nope…well then as the DK’s go Die Well!.

i think blizz has got themselves the winning formula so many of us check in every month or so for 5 mins and they get paid!

My friend said he saw a ninja once in RL and the ninja did a flip and disappeared. It was awesome.

Last night a lvl 19 was one shotting everyone in Arathi for 300k. I get globalled in max lvl pvp and now leveling too.

I love pvp, but not in its current state

Wait…you are forced to do rated PvP before you can play the game now? Is this a new update in the past week? I’ve never been forced into it.

I subbed a week early to catch the preloads. One less sticking point possibly for patch tuesday and me playing wednesday (my TZ patch time is bed time lol).

Wanted to be 1 of a legion of Blood elves later this week.

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For those into deteministic gaming pvp is the only way. They do X, they get points, they get item wanted.

For those with superhuman levels of patience there is worshipping the RNG gods for gear. And I hope it works out for them. But for some…RNG hates them sadly lol.

What does he want to do?

There are more and more RPGH aspects, in both character progression and power progression, being added to the game.

Not true. Make some friends and find a guild that you can mesh with and play with, this is an mmorpg.

Players need to make friends and find a guild that can play with and they won’t spend more years complaining about it.

The only person holding you back is you. There isn’t anything you can’t do unless you don’t want to do it.

feel ya , my friendlist went from full to empty