My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

I had the same though when I read your original post. You’re not going to get the best gear doing casual content and putting in a marginal effort. Perhaps your friend should check out other types of games. Good luck.

Dude you can see the same exact thing being said for literally everything in this game.

What does the real world have to do with a fantasy game? And who in their right mind would want a game they play for fun to be like a 2nd job.


Yep pretty much the checklist troll complaint.

You know what’s even crazier? At their lowest moment they decided to mess with the MB community. Probably the only players willing to spend hundreds of dollars a month on this game.

The last group they need to decimate is the botting community. Once they’re gone the game might be down to less than a million concurrent subscribers. Big Fs for the future.

people playing an MMORPG then complaining about grinding. horrible complaint.

now if it was more about the type of grinding you had to do (like these mundane wq’s) that’s a different story

your friend is not an MMO player obviously. which is fine, the genre isn’'t for everyone…especially in 2021

who knows, maybe next they’ll start banning the people who spam racial slurs in trade chat. Thats when you know the games totally 100% dead this time for real. I mean it really, its dead, 100%

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Oddly enough, most of us play games for fun to take our minds off the Real World.

And supporting excessive grinding (which Blizzard has taken to masochistic levels) just seems somewhat whale-ish to me. Face the fact - the game needs new thinking. It needs to go in a different direction where it’s fun.

I remember days when I couldn’t wait to log on, where I would spend an unhealthy amount of time in front of the computer (and I mean that seriously in a physical situation) and where I was in a guild where you would log on at any time of the day or evening and there would be a crowd ingame. Now I’m lucky if it’s me and 2 other people.

Whether or not you or others think the game is fine with the grind and its other flaws, the fact is that a large number of people don’t. Blizzard’s own figures show a decline in MAUs and the only reason their bottom line is still decent is because people are retaining their subs for Classic TBC. Which yes, is one of the grindiest things going, but it works on nostalgia. Check in again in a couple of months when there is no new patch and see what the numbers are like.


Classic and the digital store sales which is the reason they stopped reporting subscriber numbers years ago.

The fact the game isn’t pulling in record revenue each quarter yet loaded with more and more MTX features is the best sign that the game is unhealthy.


I didn’t log on at all yesterday, for the first time since SL came out. It was actually kinda nice. I went for a walk, got some sun, messed around on social media when I got home, watched YouTube and Netflix. I’m a serious addict, so there’s something wrong when I don’t even care to get on anymore.

Most of the time when I do get on, I just log on, stare at the screen and log off. I’ve just done everything I wanted to do. I have around 40ish alts now and have never cared about end game content, so I think it’s just time to do something else.


I got a friend from work to play. He made it to max level and said it was boring from there.

Said he couldn’t get into anything and nobody wanted to talk when he tried to chat.

He didn’t have anything negative to say and just moved on from it.

I told him it’s hard to start this late in the new expac because of gear.

Who is “we”? You and your friend?

Do you and your friend both like the same music, movies, food, books, online activities, clothing, recreational activities, social circles, etc.?

If so, cool, you folks must be really, really close.

If not, and the relationship is like most others, you’ll like some things and your friend will like some things. Your friend doesn’t like this game right now.

You could follow the friend to something else too, y’know.

No content is forced. I don’t do Torghast (aside from the story intro) on my alts and I still manage to play them and have fun for hours on end. Forced content is a myth that is created by peoples’ personal goals.

The story intro gets me a 190 leggo. I am happy with that. I don’t feel forced to go into Torghast beyond that.

Do you feel forced to finish the storyline in a particular area? That’s just as “forced”.

  • Storyline is your main focus, then finishing every quest in every zone is “forced.”
  • Gear is your main focus, then Mythic raiding is “forced.”
  • Logging in, picking the activities you like, ignoring the rest - nothing is “forced.”

This goes hand-in-hand with that nonsense, “I’m falling behind; I’ll never catch up!” mentality. Fall behind whom? Catch up to whom? Your friends? Your guild? Famous streamers? The dude standing next to you?

Take a deep breath and play what you want to play. Don’t worry about what the next guy has. And, if indeed your preferred playstyle IS to worry about what the next guy has, then strike the word “forced” from your vocabulary.

If you want to “keep up” with the next person, you can’t really whine about some aspect of the keep-up being forced. That’s just the individual quietly not wanting to play the catch-up game, but not being able to admit to whomever that they really don’t want to do it.

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I didn’t read all of the comments. But, a decent amount of them.

Games change and so do people. Most of my friends (hardcore to casual) are not playing rn.

To each their own.

Personally, I’m over the rat race, timed dungeons, ect. I do not find it “fun” anymore. That’s great for people who still do. I just want to relax with maybe bit of challenging content to do.

I wish I could do UNRATED bgs with ppl of a similar Il ( say 10 Il higher/lower for example). Random bgs aren’t fun at all rn, and that is about my favorite thing to do in WoW. There are so many problems with SL, imo. #feelsbadman

All my opinion ^ not facts :upside_down_face:


Games are supposed to be fun… work is well… work


Weird. This is easily the least-grindy expansion I’ve played in a hot minute.

I have absolutely no idea where this “overly-grindy expansion” myth came from. Because that does not describe Shadowlands whatsoever.

Are you guys still friends? Cordial? :cold_face:

After introducing him to WoW I’m surprised we are still friends. :stuck_out_tongue:


This games pretty grindy compared to minecraft creative mode where you can spawn in whatever you want at any time you want.

No one is forced to do anything. There is another option. Quit.

Just curious, what makes you think WoW is trending towards RPG game play rather than away? You literally have months now where some classes are “mandatory” and some classes can’t find groups. This has been going for years and it isn’t what a RPG is. WoW is a flavor of the expansion theme park where you can’t ride most of the rides if you rolled the wrong class.