My friend logged in for 5 minutes today

Idk, even back in vanilla, TBC or wrath the game was still super grindy

Even casual PvP required weeks of honor grinding for a set of gear.

PvE required attunements, heroic gear, then starter raids etc.

You’ve never been able to log on and just play at the same level as people that devote time to their characters


I really don’t understand why people can’t admit they are just bored of a game they’ve been playing daily for over a decade and instead have to moan about how they don’t feel like playing.


But is the gap larger or smaller between the two?


BfA in every iteration was far superior to anything in SL so far.


A million times worse, covenant locking is horrible.

Well… nobody is going to remember Golgash the Dragonslayer who had 95-99% parses on every boss and killed Theroux the endless destroyer for 10 hours straight.

Will your good game memories and moments live on? Absolutely. But in real-life scenarios and even in-game scenarios, people will easily forget and move on.

Like it or not, that’s the truth.

That’s why.

Eh, I’m sure I can find a number of people who can tell me the RBI of Babe Ruth

Until you queue into a random, unrated BG, and get destroyed by rated players. This is one thing that Blizz really needs to find a solution to, so rated players aren’t so OP it’s just not fun for the casual PvPer.


I’d say it’s fairly similar, maybe a bit smaller

Back in tbc a fully geared 70 could 2 or 3 shot you easily. I remember seeing a destro lock killing people in AB with 2-3 shadowbolts

At least now that kind of thing requires CDs and maybe some gimmick to pull off

I think the grind for raid gear has been toned down somewhat. Raids no longer need attunements or questlines to unlock/enter. This also makes carries easier for people who have friends to help them catch up

PvP I’m not sure (I only PvP casually)

This really need more likes. Game design is pure trash and lazy.


So, you want to trivialize the gear that players who spent time, effort, and dedication earning all so Johhny Casual feels better about himself? No thanks.

Whether you care to admit it or not they are the majority player base.

If you don’t cater to them your game is dead.


Doesn’t matter. They aren’t any more important than anyone else. Unless you wanna start trivializing everyone elses work, don’t trivialize another group of players.

Doesn’t matter about the hard work being put in it’s about getting the money from the majority player base.


God these stupid rants…if you have a complaint then man up and make it. Stop hiding behind a fake friends opinion for whatever reason.

Mother Teresa told me before she died she thought shadowlands is too grindy…omg blizz fix now!


…yeah, so let me know who you think Blizzards idea sides more in line with?


Thankfully Blizzard doesn’t agree with you on this.

It’s kinda sad how casually you say this. Game developers should do everything they can to avoid this. It’s actually what is killing wow slowly. I don’t need a second job…


I mean a video game should feel exactly like a soulless office job, right? That’s a good way to sell a video game.


I can’t speak for others, but my boredom didn’t start until a few days into Shadowlands. Isn’t it odd so many people became bored at the same time - right at the start of a new expansion? No, it must be the people who are wrong.