My fellow Americans, what are you doing for the Fourth?

Picnic type meal, as always. Mmm.

Really summoned the fun police with this one OP.

I’ll be eating, blowing things up, listening to loud music, and making new memories with the fam. Happy Fourth everyone!

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Probably comforting my anxiety ridden dogs because they whimper in the corner during thunderstorms and firework shows.


And maybe I’ll kill Elden Beast by then.
This fight is turbo rump.

our dog loves fireworks.


speak for yourself. i didnt know snow mexicans have their own day.

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I’ve only had one dog that was afraid of fireworks. That’s because some dufus tossed a lighted firecracker through the open window of my car. It didn’t go well. :boom:

our last dog hated them both.

Daytona and St. Augustine

can not wait for the i am never drinking again speech lol

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I’ve never done that…that I know of.

lol just saw the mistyped ty lol

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The family and I are double-dipping July holidays this year. We celebrated Canada Day on Monday and tonight we’re headed to Long Island for the weekend to mark the Fourth.

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Enjoying my PTO by spamming BGs.
Sleeping in late.

My dog doesn’t react to fireworks at all.
I remember a study reporting that one of the side effects of high estrogen levels is startling at sudden loud noises.

  • Brim

Contemplating to even why to continue.


That sounds kind of ominous. :grimacing:

prime day ? i’m not from USA, what’s the “prime day” ?

Calling some friends over for Barbeque ,Fireworks and some rum with coke


its amazon black Friday type of thing for prime members