My fellow Americans, what are you doing for the Fourth?

Staying out of tourist traffic and wishing these people would find a new vacation spot.


Nothing on the 4th because the town Iā€™m in does fireworks on the 5th.

Well, maybe weā€™ll grill? I dunno, havenā€™t thought about it because we plan to go out on the 5th.

Lawn ornament. :robot:


Chilling with family, watching the redneck side of the clan fire off a monthā€™s pay worth of the good stuff for about 2 hours straight, the usual.

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I have a toddler so, parade, cookout, yada.

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Itā€™s my one year anniversary with my gf so weā€™re gonna go to Olive garden and then watch fireworks


Trying not to think about this may be the last true ā€œ4thā€ of America, cleaning the house , comforting the puppy who really really hates fireworks and thatā€™s about it.

Yo that ziti fritta app is so good

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I normally get gnichhi soup itā€™s my absolute favorite

Itā€™s your anniversary, splurge on some apps!

Iā€™m making chicken-fried steak. And bread.

Holy moly, look at this meat tenderizer toolā€¦

Probably staying inside enjoying the AC because it is supposed to get up to around
115 degrees ( 46.1111c )

My wife is leaving today to visit some family 3 hours away. I have to work Friday so I have to stay behind. It doesnā€™t make any sense for me to go down Sat only to come back on Sun, so I am FORCED to have a quiet weekend without my wife and child.

Itā€™s going to be sooo awful being by myself. Iā€™m going to have to watch loud action movies whenever I want and play video games all weekend to cope with the loss.

Oh the humanity, weep for my misfortune here! I may even make some of my favorite foods that I never get to eat because Iā€™m the only one who likes them. The sadness of it all of sleeping in without a 6 yr old waking me up just before dawn saying ā€œDaddy play Barbies with me?ā€

Itā€™s going to be very rough.


Itā€™s just a normal day off to me. Thereā€™s nothing worth celebrating right now.

Working. Followed by more working. Yay freedom!

Because July of the forth just doesnā€™t have the same flow. And we put the month first because thatā€™s the way Britain used to do it before they got all conformist with the rest of Europe. Youā€™ll take our MM/DD/YY and Imperial measurements from our cold dead hands!!!

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Nothing much. It is a normal day for me, except that for most of the long weekend people will be setting off very loud noisy illegal things.

I can see the town fireworks display from my porch so might watch that. Otherwise, doing whatever house or yard projects I can do based on weather. Maybe take my new-to-me 1973 vintage Raleigh bicycle out for a ride! I just got that on Monday for $25 and am really stupid excited about it.


After going through quite the existential crisis just days before, Iā€™m probably just gonna hang out with some friends, hopefully get some swimming in before weather decides to suck again, and then maybe play some ZZZ or Dawntrail before the days over.

Iā€™m glad you live in a country that allows you to say as you please and enjoy the luxuries you enjoy lol

Happy 4th to all and especially our troops! :eagle::us_outlying_islands: