My fellow Americans, what are you doing for the Fourth?

This puppy is already scared of empty bags and boxes. ( I have no idea why but I got stupid phobias too so I get it ) I dunno how they’re gonna handle their first 4th

Maybe they can be allowed up on my bed for snuggles

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because most of my family is native we will be having a quite day of remembrance for the forced displacement, ethnic cleansing and mass murder of our ancestors.


Watching all the idiots neighbors waste their money shoot off fireworks.

Inb4 “this post has been flagged by the community…”

First of all, I never owned a home until I was 30. Everclear is illegal in North Carolina. And I always celebrated fireworks, but I go either to a park or along the ocean where you can see people shooting off all their illegal fireworks they got from South Carolina.

Also, anyone in the medical field is probably stocking up on all things trauma right now

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

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Making chicken skewers, hot dogs and wishing I had a pool. Lol

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I’ve got the day off, so I’m going to do as little as I can possibly get away with.

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No work, so sleep in, probably put up some shelves for my funko pops, watch The Boys with the wife, maybe go see fireworks if it doesn’t rain. That’s about it.

Going to the annual Fourth of July hay sale, doing some yardwork, saddling the horses, going for a ride, then bbq.

Happy Fourth everyone!

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Working… -_-

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Firing up my nuclear fusion generator, no just kidding , sitting with the truck at the repair shop, while the mechanic figures out why we keep getting misfire codes.


Going to the Nats game! Fireworks, hotdogs, baseball, and drink woohoo!


Just chilling at home playing games. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you all have fun whatever you’re doing!

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If weather permits–supposed to have bad storms today and tomorrow–I’d be heading over to my parents for cookout. And watch fireworks!

Argentina v Ecuador game :smiley:

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Not celebrating it. :3
And taking Saurfang and Vol’jin as inspiration for…things…:3

This place sucks any anyone who thinks it should be celebrated needs to understand the negative impact the US has had on the entire world. This is hell and we’re all just burning in it.

Going in on my day off for easy time and a half.

Money pays the bills, not fireworks.

push draenei in mud puddles.
everclear is legal here in wisconsin sounds like a fun time.

There’s going to be BBQ !!!
:hamburger: :hotdog: :beer:


My fellow Americans, what are you doing for the Fourth?

Your mother, you can call me dad now.