The most frustrating part imo is when druids try to do the clone low move in RSS. Cloning low can be a pro maneuver but it’s also dependent on your teammates knowing that you’re about to do it and you mostly just screw potential kills. I get it, I get it, you cloned at 10 because the healer might have come out of cc with a button but also everyone is at 30% and none of us knew that you were about to do that and you just screwed the burst.
I assure you when obelisk/tyrant come out or a destro starts throwing multiple bolts and I get stunned into fear into fear into coil while my healer is sitting the same havoc’d crap I wish I was being cloned instead :). At least I can’t be pushed 20 yards away and able to be chained without gap from longer range and dying while it’s happening.
Elevate your thinking man. I simply responded to the joke that lock is more annoying. And it is.
IMO precog kind of leveled the CC field between casters with spammables and trap. The tradeoff has always been instant trap on cooldown vs spammable fear/poly/clone. If you miss trap or get deathed, faded, grounded, or someone eats it, it is 30 seconds before you get to set up again vs getting kicked on one of the others where you get to set back up as soon as the lockout is over and then spam it.
IMO hunter CC was better than the casters in S1 before precog because casters couldn’t really open up spell schools willy-nilly and for most of the meta needed to just be pumping as much instant dam as possible or kiting. I.e. - they really weren’t casting cc that much anyway, so having the hunter setup was kind of the best around. Casting in general is much more reliable and it’s less risky to open up various spell schools, so you’re seeing it even back out.
The only thing I wish they’d change about hunter CC is swapping the abilities in the class tree nodes such that you’re choosing from scatter or hi-explosive on one and binding vs intim on the other. Pick a stun, pick a micro. Especially now that intim is 3s instead of 5 on 1m.
It’s 5 yards less than poly, that means it’s ok for it to have half the cast time, make target unhealable and then make them do 30% less healing and damage when it breaks
Well, you can land poly by blinking around corners mid cast and then if you get kicked, just db ring or something instead immediately after Into follow up polys. Without gaps of course