My experience playing against boomk


Maybe I added you to ignore too quickly. This is hilarious. It’s been almost exactly 30 days from when you got reported. I took a screenshot just to be sure. I figured you were gonna report me and everyone else. Wanted to be sure… And look at that. Here are you are again.


i see time off didn’t make you any saner

Honestly, I’m not even sure the last time I saw a demo lock CC a haler. :thinking:

Weird how I literally just resubbed today(Technically gifted 2 months) and showed evidence of that lol. Can’t post without game time, but go off with your weird insinuations like the 4channers you are. Ya’ll are just a tad obsessed over that, huh?

Well then, welcome back. Nothing says obsessed like not posting anything for 30 days and then replying to me. You didn’t have to… but you wanted to. Were you holding it in? Just… had to say something spiteful.

Anyways. I have better things todo.

Wow browsing the forums and responding to posts (Especially given you were not my first post back.) Compared to checking people’s post history dates. Hmm. Wonder which is more ‘obsessed’?

Yeah, apparently people said some spiteful things about me (you included) while I was gone enjoying GW2 and ESO (With a new xpac) that I got linked. Wild. I bet I could find it if I searched for it.

Doubt it. “Last seen just now”

  • [With weekly restarts] Owlkin Adept reduces the cast time of Cyclone and Entanglng Roots by 20% (was 30%).

Are we talking about this because if so that’s a meme.

I’m not clicking the ignored content but whoever you are talking to is a special boi if he somehow made it to my ignore. I recommend doing the same.

Oh, it’s just everyone’s favorite perpetually toxic furry.

Difference between a fear and a clone is that you can be broken out of a fear not a cyclone.
You can be healed in a fear. Not a cyclone
You cannot do anything in a cyclone

You are making cyclone not sound op but thats fine youll just tell someone howto play their class as a charred co-- [cyclone]


Oh, i wouldn’t say… anything. I find I’m able to do my taxes while sitting in cyclone. I usually try to catch up on some projects around the apartment. Getting cycloned gives me a little bit of… me time, you know? I mean, sometimes I’m sitting in cy… [Cyclone]

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Oh don’t mind him, he got an ego playing his first and only 2.1 when sp was broken, never queued again because he started to tank, and still shows up to run his mouth like he’s actually not trash.


Well, I made they/them mad awhile back for some reason. They said they put me on ignore, but for whatever reason took me off to argue. They hate anyone who has any right leaning opinions. No political jokes! Well, though I’m sure they would be fine if they were Trump jokes.

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I love how this person was about to defend cyclone lol. As if anyone could defend the state of cyclone.

Why am i not surprised the femboi furry is passionate leftwing politics.


i mean bm hunters should almost never get hit with a single cyclone mm can perma range it surv just gets farmed by clone

i think that’s unfairly narrow

owlkin adept synergy with high winds was the #2 complaint i’ve seen most about boomy for all of DF so far, behind(obviously) precog; precog is a cancer upon this season now that it’s free, but it would surprise me to hear that “boomkin is the most egregious precog abuser” is a popular idea while all 6 mage+warlock specs are playable and 4 of them are excellent

Personally I don’t think fast clones were the biggest issue, the biggest issue is how strong/long clone is, and the excessive duration of high winds.

High winds probably wouldn’t be so bad if clone had a cd but as it stands now you can just get put into a clone, left 30% weaker, and then cloned again on repeat with high winds debuff not dring. It’s very toxic, and extremely powerful, especially since you can stack it with stuff like MS for all intents and purposes.

that’s fair

i’d like to see them change high winds duration, power or both, and i wouldn’t even really miss the healing reduction. to me the intent of the talent is: if you fail to stop me cloning during your burst and trinket/md out, or use bladestorm to cheese it, i get a smidge of damage reduction as a reward. everything else is gravy.

the gameplay of “quarter dr clone to afflict a fresh 6 seconds of high winds to the healer while my team is bursting” is fun too, but i think the combo of that+precog cross the line and i doubt we see the backside of precog this season.

edit: i shouldn’t fail to mention that it is still often a pretty significant misplay to clone someone for 6 seconds, wait another 6, and then clone for 3, high winds, clone for 1.5 etc. high winds is powerful, but every healer has some kind of huge cd they can use to overcome it until dampening is way up there, and if you micro for HW uptime that sharply you take a full clone every 24 seconds, or a full 2 clones every 27 seconds, and turn it into a full clone every 40.5 seconds.

edit edit: i’m sure shuffle dampening pace makes it monstrously unfair too. i don’t play shuffle anymore and everyone who does is entitled to my sympathy

Yeah honestly if it wasn’t for clone being so strong atm, boomkin wouldn’t even really be on my radar for precog abuse. But since failing to stop a clone can have such a cascading disaster, it’s too easy to bait jukes.

Overall I hate locks, especially destro, freecog way more.