My experience playing against boomk

It’s pretty fun playing against bo… [Cyclone]
It’s pretty fu… [Cyclone]
Dude, will you st… [Cyclone]
I’m trying to say I li… [Cyclone]
Can you st… [Cyclone]
Seriously ma… [Cyclone]
… [Cyclone]
Are you done? I was trying to s… [Cyclone]
You know what, neve… [Cyclone]
logs off … [Cyclone]


cyclone is 25 yd range :slight_smile:
o your surv nvm

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The joke admittedly doesn’t account for diminishing returns, but I do find it relatable.

I had an RSS lobby last week wh-- [cyclone]


Your words hurt me. :frowning:

Great point. I saw this boomkin in my last lob… [Cyclone]

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I was able to obtain some footage of a boomkin using Cyclone on my pets as well. As you can see, it’s a very vers… [Cyclone]


Cyclone go brrrr


Yeah I think high winds / cyclone duration need to be lowered given how strong the two are.


Even the strongest saiyan in the universe is no match. Talk about OP.

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This is how I feel fighting against locks. Insert as many fears as you want clones but toss in some stuns and coils too :slight_smile: then a kick. And spell reflect. Then get feared again for good measure lol


owlkin adept was nerfed 5 minutes ago

Have you considered kiting/LoSing it, just like… consider it pronouns and that should give you the speed you need to run away in fear.

Back from your ban? Unfortunate.

What do you mea… [Fear]
Here we go aga… [Fear]
ugg… [Fear]
Will you sto… [Coil]
… [Shadowfury]


Poor thing, never been. Did get gifted another 2 months of game time though. Having fun building more character profiles while watching the dumpster fire that is PvP this season.

For me it’s the axe tosses.

Oh right. You just took a month off right after you got reported and had your reported posts deleted. Funny how that works.

Anyways, I don’t like talking to female worgens. Gives me the creeps.

Take care of yourself. Or don’t.

Added to ignore. <3

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Yea, it’s annoying. Using 0 CC on heals and pumping every CC into the kill target and dying while sitting a fear. Terrible design.

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Pretty quick edit there when you realized your mistake Joy lol. Back to 4chan for you.

I can screenshot my forum thing? A bunch of my posts were restored, actually, though some were deleted - never got actioned but my game time did run out. It’s okay that people get upset like you do over posts with no personal insults.

to the day. any coincidence trusters?


Huh, that’s odd.

Recently setup Demo and it’s so funny like this.

It’s okay the fact you used the very same image made it really easy to find Joys bnet lol. In case you didn’t know, you’re off by a bit - and you can’t post while you have no game time.