My dog isn't doing well

If anything happens you have my condolences. Just try and stay with him as much as you can and give him all the cuddles, pets and love he deserves to keep him at peace and calm, letting him know that he isn’t alone.

My dog recently had also gotten sick and had the be brought back to the Vet. They had said she only had a small amount of time left during our first visit to check a tumor, she was very old girl.

I am hoping for the best! I’ve been there. Our pets are family.

If your dog needs to be put down, be there with them in their final moments, strange smells a strange place, and they don’t know whats happening.

I’m hoping you can spend more time with your dog, I hope its just a pill away from being a forgotten worry.

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I had to go through the exact same situation a couple years ago, OP. My dog just one day stopped eating, and then stopped drinking. He just lay on his bed in front of the fireplace and wouldn’t touch anything, even if I set his bowls right next to the bed or held food to his mouth.

I took him to the vet and they couldn’t tell anything wrong with him other than age - he was a rescue with no prior records, so there was no knowing exactly how old he was, but he was probably around 13 or 14. They gave him a fluid injection and I took him home, but when I got up the next morning, I found he’d thrown it up. My only choice was to let him go.

I had to carry him to the car and into the vet’s office. I was with him in the room, petting and talking to him until he was gone. I had to take the day off work afterward because I was such a wreck.

I had to let another go a couple years before that - my sweet old boy who’d been with me since high school. He was 15 years old at that point, and the breaking point was when his back legs started to fail. He couldn’t stand up on his own anymore, so he just spent all day lying on my bed, and I had to carry him up and down the stairs and hold him up whenever he needed to go outside. I was able to plan ahead in that case, and called one of those vets that comes to your home to do it.

They came in the afternoon, so I took the day off work and spent it lying with him in bed. He was a bigger dog, and he got to lay on our couch with his head in my lap, hearing my voice until he was gone. I carried him out to the vet’s car after that, and realized how much of his weight he’d been leaning into my chest all the times I’d carried him before, because he was so much heavier in my arms now.

The only more heartbreaking experience I’ve ever had in my life was when my father passed. I hope yours pulls through, OP. I really do. I don’t have any words of wisdom or comfort if they don’t. There’s nothing to make you feel better about it. Every moment from when I made the choice until days after it was over, I was second guessing myself if I’d done the right thing, because it’s so hard. It’s so hard making that choice to end the life of someone who loves you, and who you love back, and whose whole world is your responsibility. But you have to make it, because part of that responsibility is knowing when their life is beyond your ability to protect. But it’s not easy. It’s not easy. And it shouldn’t be easy, because we love them so much. And there’s nothing but time that heals that.

Good luck, OP. Good luck.


Keep us updated, OP. We’re all with you. :two_hearts:

I hope your doggie is doing better today. Love and hugs to you and him. I truly hope he’s going to be ok.

Just know we’re all here to support you. :heart:

How old is this dog.

If he’s like 15, maybe it’s time, depending on the breed. You’re not doing him any favors by keeping him chugging along.

Got you and your Pup in my prayers.

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Jesus Christ this thread is really sad. I hope everything ends up being okay with your pup OP.

Everyone go hug your pets


It’s always so sad when they go, old or otherwise. If you go for another pet, maybe a tortoise or macaw? Good care and they’ll probably be around as long as you are.

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I am so sorry that this is happening to you. Your poor doggie deserves much better, and I hope that no matter what happens, your heart can heal and you can find peace. Elune guide your path. <3

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Sorry to hear that, hope the vet is able to help out.

As a dog owner who has been in your shoes my heart goes out to you OP. I can only hope that this is something different like a treatable bug, low thyroid levels due to age, or something else. But whatever it is I am sure you and your companion will face it with dignity and love for one another as you have these last fourteen years. Be strong and give them lots of love.

Thanks everyone. He has an appointment at the vet in 30 minutes. Expecting the worst hoping for the best. Thanks for the kind words again!


It’s the first thread I read this morning at work and it’s also the first thread to make me cry because of how relatable it is. :cry:


So handsome! Hoping for the best for the two of you! Stay strong. :slight_smile:

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So sorry to hear this. Hope he’s better soon. :heart: :dog2: :heart:

Here’s your adorable little gif. I hope everything turns out okay. Please keep us updated. We’re pulling for you both. :purple_heart:


Sending much love to your friend, you, and your family.


:purple_heart: :dog: :purple_heart:

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Sry to hear that I hope every thing is ok just knw if it is thier time to go that they had a good life you spoiled them and loved them. I had a dog that i loved pass away about 4 yrs ago i walked into the living room and he was lying thier I was so heartbroken and then i live in a place where I cant bury him in the yard so i had to put him in the freezer overnight till I could get him creamated…I loved that lil guy tho…