My dog isn't doing well

I’m just going to say reread the OP and Nobully’s posts. If you can’t be respectful in here, then I’d suggest finding another thread to troll.

points to door

Ignoring you now, because it’s inappropriate for this thread to be arguing such disrespectful behavior. Try to act mature, mkay? Let it go.


I’m sorry =c

I’ll pray for you and your doggy. You’re doing the right thing taking him to the vet. I made the mistake of trying to let my cat go naturally and it wasn’t pretty at the end. One of the biggest regrets of my life was not getting her in sooner. This is one of the hardest things in the world to do.



Ive been there before. All I can say is spend as much time as you can with them while you can. I know how hard it is letting go but you don’t want to watch them suffer. My first boxer dog left me heartbroken and I still get choked up thinking about her.

Just try to remember the agony of death is the beauty and joy of rebirth. Don’t feel bad for adopting a new friend after, even if you are still grieving. Also don’t feel bad for crying, you are going through something very tough, its alright to let it out. Its ok to keep something for yourself, I took her collar and made it my key chain so shes always with me where ever I go.

I wish you the best in your troubling time, were right here with you. Be strong.


My sympathies. It is hard to lose a loved one. Hopefully they wait for us in the afterlife… love them til the end and afterwards too. And don’t be afraid to cry.


Thanks everyone for the kind words, I hope he feels better tomorrow. Hes 14 so I anticipate the worst…

I don’t want him to be alone in whatever afterlife awaits him. I hope he doesnt feel lost or scared… I can’t comfort him after hes gone…


sorry to here hoping for the best


I don’t know if there is an afterlife, but I once had a prayer answered, so I know there’s something going on that science doesn’t explain too well. Hopefully your prayers or thoughts or love will reach them even after passing… wish you well and your dog too.

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It’s easy to say, but hard to do, but as @nobully said, focus on the love, not the pain, if you get bad news.



I’m sorry. Our pets are part of our family, and it hurts like heck to see them not doing well. I hope your visit tomorrow results in something easily treatable so that both you, and your furry friend, can feel better.


“One of my Cats got sick, the fall of 2020, during the lock down. We couldn’t even get him to a Vet. By the time we got him to a Doctor it was too late. We brought him in, just in time to die.”

“I pray you have better luck.”
/understanding hug

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Any updates today on how your dog is doing?
I feel emotionally connected to this now, and I’m actively hoping for the best!

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Remember, don’t leave him alone if they put him down, be with him, hug him. if you can’t handle the procedure, just have your back to it. Your doggo needs you with him at that crucial point.

But I hope, it’s just something silly like the heat. -big hug-


I hope your dog survives too.

I can personally guarantee that this won’t be the case. When he crosses the Rainbow Bridge, when it’s his time, the following will be waiting for him, tails wagging, tongues lolling, jazzed to show him the good places to roll, run, and chase squirrels:

Coco, my first dog, mini-poodle
Sheba, really sweet doberman whose life was way too short
Sedaka, the sweetest “Belgian Shepherd” you’ll ever meet
Maggie, my first English Cocker
Abby &
Hobbes, my other 2 English Cockers. I can’t summarize these two in just a short blurb
Stella, our first Cardigan Corgi. She was a hellion, but I hope they let her cross the bridge, anyway!

For what it’s worth, OP, I held onto Maggie too long. When I finally had her put down, the vet sent me a card after, saying, among other words of comfort, that her body was “supremely tired.”

When it’s time, it’s time, and you’ll know it in your heart. Maggie and Hobbes both ended with me holding them gently and easing them to the bridge. I wouldn’t have done it any other way.

Fingers crossed. 14 is a wonderful, long life full of love, happiness, and wagging tails!


I have been in a similar situation, twice, OP, and it isn’t easy. But it’s obvious you love your dog and will do what’s right for him. My heart bleeds for you. Hoping for the best.



My thoughts and prayers are with you furry loved one and you. Hugs :heart: :heart:


My cat did that a few years ago. She was middle aged… just gradually stopped eating. I forget what they decided the root cause was, but in the end, we had to put her to sleep. Stroking her as she died was singularly the roughest experience of my life - I’d have rather broken an arm again than do that.

Unfortunately, this is the rub when it comes to pets. We (should, at least) adore them; they cherish us… but, at the end, it’s our responsibility to see that they leave this Earth peacefully, in as little pain as possible. It’s arguably worse with dogs, since they love us so desperately, and in a way, it feels like we’re killing them. But it’s the right thing to do.

All I can say is, if there is any - ANY - justice in this otherwise bleak, seemingly empty universe, we will be reunited with them some day. I deeply question how anyone can look into the loving eyes of a dog and doubt that there isn’t something out there for both of us… together. We were made to be one.


Thinking of you OP…

Idc what anyone says… losing a beloved pet can be as awful as losing a person.

I hope your pup will be ok. hugs


Sorry to hear that. It’s tough when pets get ill, and nearing the end. They truly are family.

The worst part of pet ownership is saying goodbye.

Fingers crossed he pulls though. :heart: