My Crystal Ball Looking into a Fresh Server

I’ll agree with that, but I gotta say (from my perspective) it is those in favor for “fresh” being “toxic” over the ones against it :slightly_smiling_face:

This is very true. I just don’t want your “fresh” servers to “fail” because the concept of it wasn’t thoroughly thought through :slightly_smiling_face:

I think I will :slightly_smiling_face:

There was only one answer to one of the questions posed. The rest of the questions have been unanswered.

I will, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. IK it has
  2. I just want the idea to be thoroughly thought through and not just thrown in and just attack anyone who simply doesn’t agree (or even asks questions about it) with the concept :slightly_smiling_face:

EDIT: I’m merely stating if you want more support to your cause, don’t attack your potential supporters. You’ll only drive them away, and you won’t have the support/back-up you need to convince Blizz to give you want.

They will come to the normal TBC realms. The experience is the same. New/returning players won’t be seeing geared 60 that often and others wallet have no impact at all during leveling.

There is no magical population that only sub because of fresh TBC. New TBC servser can be openned if there are a surge of players. But it may not be a “fresh” as the “fresh” loud mouths demand.

Whenever I Fresh server, I’m confused too. What exactly is this Fresh? Forever locked ? separate arena ladder? separate BG pool?

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No, what you did was agree with someone who looks down on people’s reason for wanting fresh servers and state’s that they are “confusing.” I attempted to clear up any confusion but my response wasn’t good enough for you. It is clear nothing I say can help you.

No one is attacking you. You are just purposefully staying in a state of “confusion.” Going into every conversation about fresh servers and claiming how “confused” they make you doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it probably hurts. If you actually wanted to help the conversation, you are going to have to make inferences on your own and come to your own conclusions. You are not going to get a 100% agreement on any concept here in the forums.

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For the peope who are “confused” about the fresh tbc server idea, it goes as follows.

Fresh tbc server

  • Start at level 1
  • No boosts
  • Not open to transfers into the server

Most of us would be happy with just 1 server (Is that to much to ask for?)

I hope this clears up some of the confusion. can’t wait to hear some feedback


Very similar to this. I think most people who want fresh servers want generally the same thing. No boost, no transfers, progression from the start of the expansion.

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u funny so u want a fresh tbc server with transfers off would litery kill almost 80% of old servers… meanwhile no classic fresh LOL facepalm

That’s not how I took it. See, opinions are funny like that :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I can do both, agree with someone and still be confused :slightly_smiling_face:

I do agree you attempted :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d like to think my response wasn’t good enough for you. I explained why I’m still confused and even told you which questions are still unanswered, and you couldn’t even answer those questions, but that’s OK :slightly_smiling_face:

You can be a bit more open-minded to different perspectives and be a bit more understanding in where I’m coming from instead of thinking I’m some “hopeless” individual and “not worth your time” (though, you’re still responding to me just to “tear me down”, but I digress).

Yes, some (not all) are attacking me. Attacking me for being “confused” nor being 100% all in for “fresh” no questions asked! There’s zero reason to be aggressive towards anybody trying to ask questions. The sarcastic retorts like “it’s not hard”, “it’s not complicated”, “what’s difficult to understand?”, etc. These are not necessary unless it’s to downplay/undermine the questions asked, but what do IK, right? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nope, I’m genuinely confused in what it is because everybody’s answers varies.

It does especially when I follow it up with the questions that makes me confused about it. But, they’re never answered. Instead, the thread derails attacking the fact that I’m confused, leaving the questions forever unanswered. Which is fine, that just means everyone’s idea of “fresh” won’t be what they hoped for. It’s very simple.

I appreciate your opinion, but I disagree. Because I’m not the only one confused on what “fresh” is :slightly_smiling_face:

I am doing that, right now, as we speak :slightly_smiling_face:

My research isn’t finished, yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

100% agreement, no. Compromises, yes! Again, I’m not going to be surprised when the cries don’t stop, when Blizz tosses out some form of “fresh” that is just disappointment to you lot because it doesn’t “fix” what you thought it would fix :slightly_smiling_face:

I just want to say that “fresh” is still possible even with a “boost”. Because it’s a “fresh” server with a “boosting” feature. That being said, can we agree to call “no boosts” a “disable this feature”? 'Cause I don’t consider “no boosts” a product of “fresh”.

That’s no transfers from non-“fresh” servers, right? Say, there’s two “fresh” servers, can “fresh” server 1 players transfer to “fresh” server 2 and vice versa?

Ofc not, I just want to know what it is, that’s all :slightly_smiling_face:

Not particularly. Which is why I just continue asking questions, and I would appreciate it, if I would stop getting attacked for it. Is that too much to ask?

Likewise :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. That’s not what I took from that Post.
  2. That Post still didn’t answer the rest of the questions I did ask in that thread.

There are two examples of what people want for fresh servers. I highlighted the similarities. I have seen quite a few other people express they want these features as well. From my experience I can come to the conclusion that this is what people generally want. Of course that is subject to change, but that is what I am going with.

Ok, lets try to answer them then.

I feel the above post pretty much answered these.

Fresh is a server starting at the beginning of it’s progression, while seasonal is a fresh server that resets at the end of it’s progression. Seasonal is a more specific term but generally the same idea.

Seasonal is the answer to this.

No boosts. Features present in the expansion are part of the experience in that expansion. Boosts defeats the purpose of a fresh server experience.

No boosts, no transfers means everyone starts at level one.

Lol. If you played classic wow then you played FRESH. You just don’t like FRESH this time.


Mine says “try again later”. I shake it and it says the same thing!

Can’t wait to see the “tbc rush”. Get to lvl 70 in 1-3 weeks, buy epic flying immediately cause they already had enough gold. Then…raid log? I mean you dont have to spend much time farming consumes compared to vanilla. Well I guess you could play arena all day instead of raid logging…but how long till that gets old? Welcome to tbc, the low content release and higher raid logging playerbase.

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at this point anyone arguing to not have fresh servers is completely insane

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raid logging was/is more prevalent in vanilla due to world buffs. if world buffs ticked down while logged out people wouldnt be “raid logging”

Bless your heart. It turns out people can have different reasons for liking something. Who knew, right?

My reasons are the same as Cirenidy’s – I think leveling on a new server full of other levelers in the best part of Classic WoW. That’s it. Not hard.

I’m sure there are other players who would like the same thing for different reasons, such as another opportunity at server firsts. That’s fine: The launches in 2004 and 2019 also featured players with different motivations.

Why should I care?

And even if true, this would harm you on your server…how?

Sorry nerds if you want to TBC you will TBC with my mage’s hundreds of thousands of gold.

The sarcasm isn’t really necessary but thank you anyway :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, I’m not going to ASSUME other people’s intentions, wants, desires, needs, etc., 'cause I’m not them. Only they can express that.

Like a “fresh” server but still with a Level 58 Boost :smiley:

To ensure you’re getting the “fresh” that you want, instead of being disappointed, when Blizz slaps us with a “fresh” that still has a Level 58 Boost tied to it. To use other people’s words:

But, you know, they’re in “the minority”, right? Kind of like the “fresh” community, themselves? Either way, please consider having the discussion and understand “fresh” means so much more than what you think it means.

But see, the thing is it doesn’t have to hold water in your mind or anyone else’s for that matter. If enough people want to play on a particular server type then it’s very petty to want to deny all those people their choice. What doesn’t hold water is all these half-baked “reasons” to deny them that.

As I’ve said, I have no pony in this race since I won’t be playing TBC nor would I be likely to play a fresh server if one comes to vanilla classic. But for the life of me I don’t understand why all the push-back and fully support those who are asking for something that will enhance their own enjoyment of the game without affecting anyone who doesn’t want it.

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I’m not actually sure what my preference is for paid boosts on fresh servers. There will be 60 mages within a few days of launch in any case, so boosting will be available. Maybe paid boosts minimize the incentive to buy gold and pay mages, in which case it’s a net positive.

From my perspective as someone who enjoys leveling, boosters of any variety are inconvenient only because it makes it harder to find normal groups for dungeons. That’s a “community” issue, though. As long as there’s demand for boosts, there will be a supply. Maybe fresh servers would attract a disproportionate subset of the community that enjoys leveling and doesn’t like boosting. Maybe not. Let’s find out!

Or maybe a lot of people just really enjoy the social experience of leveling with a lot of people.

No one cares about server first in 16 year old content nerd.