My Crystal Ball Looking into a Fresh Server

3 months after launch…

  • Economy wrecked by same people who complained about the economy.

  • Everyone who didn’t get a server 1st yet complaining about how the “server is dead”

  • Massive drop off in subs by everyone who didn’t get server 1sts and realize they won’t be able to in the upcoming content.

  • Once Sunwell is released, a push for a server reset gains momentum, conjuring a new set of red herring excuses as to why they need a “fresh” server again, none of which are true of course.

Fresh proponents posture themselves as purists, and now are trying to incorporate the anti-boost sentiment to push their agenda, when in reality, they’re just tryhards who want to handicap anyone they perceive as ahead of them in the ego-driven race for server 1st or domination of the economy.

We don’t need fresh servers to fix the economy or be anti-boost. Fresh servers turn into progressive servers in 3 months, so they accomplish nothing, except to satiate the egos of wannabe tryhards who didn’t get bragging rights in Classic and now want the entire game reset, like a 4 yr old tosses the game board over when he loses.


I’ve read both sides of this debate, and imo, the fresh people’s reasoning doesn’t hold water. And when something doesn’t make sense, it’s usually because I’m being fed BS because they don’t want to tell me their true reasons, since those reasons are self serving.

In the fresh server demands, this is what I am sensing.


101% agree. The private server scene was extremely toxic because of a few handful of individuals that kept advocating for #Phresh


Yep, I know this too. Those toxic people are now trying to ruin the real game, as their private servers are a wasteland. That is the ultimate end of “Fresh”


ppl just don’t learn, ppl that want fresh classic don’t play wow right now we are good we actualy playing fresh classic in another place, gl with your TBC exp, ppl that have gold cap in classic, in tbc they can get 10x accs cap very ez ppl just don’t understand sad.

The economy can not be wrecked because people will not have raided vanilla content for months and stockpiled GDKP.

nobody is saying give me a server so I can do this first.

There will be an increase in subs from people who want to actually play and level during the burning crusade classic.

Yes, once sunwell is released a fresh server would be great. This game has 2 factions and experiencing the other side is fun.

Why do you resent the fact there is theoretical server that other people enjoy that you do not? It’s like being mad that people wanted to have RP-PVP, or have a PVP/PVE split to begin with.

Then there is the historical precedent that a lot of people started playing on fresh tbc realms, and that identity is part of the nostalgic fun of a legacy game


That’s some tinfoil hat logic right there.

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They really don’t. Even, when I try to have a discussion, they don’t really answer it. I’m not for nor against “fresh”. I just want to know what it is, and what to expect from it, as a whole:

It’s really not that hard of a concept. People want to experience the progression of Classic again.


It really is, when everytime I ask the question, the people answering are giving me completely different answers. Hence, why I’m confused.

That’s one reason, I’ve heard, yes. Not the only reason :slightly_smiling_face:

Don’t get why people are acting like those who want fresh servers are taking something away from them. If you don’t want fresh? Don’t play it. Most players on fresh servers were never going to be playing the perma phase 6 server anyways, it doesn’t hurt you.

There has never been an MMO, private server, anything that survives with a healthy playerbase long term without updates or resets. If you just want to play the mainly dead permanent phase 6 servers years from now they’ll be the same whether fresh exists or not.

Guess we just have to police how other people like to have fun.


So you go around and ask different people why they want something and got different answers?

There you go, you got a reason. I still don’t understand why you are confused. This isn’t some big conspiracy or puzzle that needs to be solved. Either you want fresh servers or you don’t. That is really the end all be all…



From different people’s perspectives, yes.

Because everybody’s answer is different.

It’s not.

Yes, but it’s about coming together and compromising. That’s how you SUCCEED. I want the “fresh” community to SUCCEED and not fail because they’re not compromising.

No because the details are important for success. Can’t succeed just based off of WANTING something.

Same thing people said about classic, same thing people say about ANY unorganized group of people who want something. People will have their own slightly different ideal versions of what ‘fresh’ is or how classic should be, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist and isn’t an argument against it in anyway. Blizz could figure out the details themselves.

The core part of it has always been that people want to play new servers because that time period is when they find the game the most fun. There may be different reasons why people consider that the most fun, but that doesn’t matter so much.

No one is under the illusion that somehow these fresh servers won’t run into the same problems eventually (at least mainly lol, perhaps there are people silly enough to think that somewhere), and it is totally irrelevant anyways as it’s not like people who want fresh want to play the same servers forever.

Complainers gonna complain, doomed gonna doom, but winners gonna go home and farm Nax.

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That’s the thing, I’m not saying it shouldn’t exist nor am I arguing against it. I’m just asking what it is and trying to reach a compromise for it TO exist.

They could and so can we. I ask the questions, and if you really want it, shouldn’t be that difficult to answer. Blizz DOES take inspiration from these forums, you know? Not JUST the Forums, ofc, so we might as well lead them in the right direction. Why is that “wrong”? I don’t understand :woman_shrugging:

Not really. Some (not all) think it’ll “fix” some “issue”, when it won’t. To me, that’s hurting the cause rather than fighting for it.

Yes, it does. Blizz took on the “best” approach for BC, as they possibly could while trying to appease A LOT of players that either didn’t want BC, wanted to play both BC and Classic, those who wanted to play BC but wanted STRAIGHT into Outlands, etc. I find no reason for wanting to try to “appease” requesters and hit them with the hard hitting questions to understand how to “appease” them better while reaching the “fresh” goal.

Read your parathensis.

That’s not really true either. This is why actually TALKING to people who are interested in “fresh” MATTERS.

This is why I’m taking on the initiative to ask the questions, to get a better understanding. I can’t understand, if I don’t ask, it’s that simple :woman_shrugging:

I was being cheeky. Of course you are going to get different answers. That’s a given.

Look, the general consensus is constantly progressing through Classic makes for a more interesting and healthy experience for current players as well as prospective players in the future opposed to only having a constant 1.12 experience. The end goal is to keep the Vanilla Classic experience alive. Of course there are going to be fringe opinions on this, but at it’s core this is the idea.

The only thing that you may find confusing, is why people would want fresh TBC servers, but that is an entirely different discussion.

What is there to compromise? With whom? You are asking people to justify their beliefs to people on the Forums. This will never happen nor should be anyone’s goal.

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That’s fine. I’m still going to be direct :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s why I’m confused on what “fresh” is :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s not the results I’m getting.

This is very subjective.

That’s not what I’m gathering, based off of my own experience in asking around.

It’s ALL confusing (to me). Only I can tell you what’s confusing, for me. Not you nor anybody else.

Anyone who wants “fresh”.

No, I’m asking them to explain, so I can better understand.

I respect your opinion, but I disagree that people are incapable of explaining their thought processes. And, I’ll continue my research as my goal to better understand the community around me. You do not have to join me, and that’s OK (especially since I’m not asking you to). If I want to dig deeper and do research, than I’m going to dig deeper and research. You’re welcome to ridicule me throughout my entire process. It’s not going to stop me, thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s actually hilarious how upset and toxic people are getting on these forums over the idea of a fresh tbc server.

A fresh server is not going to ruin your servers in any way. that has all ready been done.

Enjoy your servers with 58 boosts where everyone and their pet dog has a epic flying mount in week 1


You already got an answer you seemed to like in the thread you keep advertising. I guess you can keep claiming to be “confused” and plugging your thread in your attempts to “research” the topic.

The idea of fresh servers has been around since the launch of classic. Only now are people so surprised that people may want that.

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