My Crystal Ball Looking into a Fresh Server

I’m not one of those people that equates Dungeon Boosting (I call them "Run Throughs) with Blizz’s paid Level Boost. One still has “the grind” in tact, while the other does not. Therefore, they’re not the same thing, and I will NEVER subscribe to such an ideology.

I doubt Boosting will stop Gold Buying or Mage Boosting. I will state, the Level 58 Boost, pertaining to BC still will entice some (not all) just wanting that BC experience and just play in Outlands straight away.

I respect your opinion, but I disagree. I (too) enjoy leveling. What makes “finding groups ‘harder’” is the lack of players wanting to take on that “leadership role”. I find WAY too many “X LFG for Z”. And, it gets spammed, over and over, again.

When are some (not all) going to learn that if you’re not getting whispers nor an invite, then you probably ARE “the group” and should start “LFM for X” instead? I (also) advise searching OUTSIDE of Trade and LFG, too. For example, flying through Level appropriate zones for said dungeons. 'Cause players actually Questing (out in the world) are not going to be in Trade and (what I often find) have LFG turned off but not the General Chat. Four times (now), I’ve recruited a legit appropriate level group for WC, as Alliance!

FOUR times! It’s amazing how many people are actually interested in running dungeons, when you “LFM” instead of “LFG”. I’ve interviewed many players, and they all say the same thing, they respond better to “LFM” than they do “LFG”. IMO, players are looking to be inspired. “LFM” gives them that over “LFG”.

Every time I see somebody spam “LFG”, I just think “carry me”, and I’m sorry, but NOBODY is here for that! This isn’t “semantics”, either. You have an audience to convince, and that audience is more convinced with an “LFM” ad, than they are with an “LFG” ad. When I do recruit, I request that my recruits advertise in their local General Chats, as well. Hit up ALL of those Zones!

You never know who’s on Alt, either! Just last night, I did an ALL SM run at 4am PST, but my Server is EST, so it was really 7am EST. Still, an early morning run for ALL of SM? It was a smooth run, as well because everybody was (at least) Level 35 which made it even better. What was even better, is that my Group even OVERFILLED, as in all the people wanting to go to an ALL SM run was a total of 6 people.

Is it tedious, flying around and spamming all sorts of Chats? Yes, but it’s EFFECTIVE and gets the job done!



Maybe, but I highly doubt it.

What? There’s raid logging in every expansion ever. It’s due to ppl not having gear upgrades outside of raids and doing the same content over and over. Stop pretending it’s because of world buffs lol

mindboggling how there are people who are against something which isn’t even going to affect them whatsoever

fresh servers will launch and be running entirely in the background, while everybody else plays tbc


what makes you think im pretending?

People were just this salty and bitter about RPPVP servers, saying they’d be empty and dead.


It’s all about power tripping on gatekeeping.

Generally I think gatekeeping is fine as long as its not being done for the sake of it.

To put it short and sweet

They wanna lose the race and ask for another server 4-5 months after the release of the current one so they can try to win again.

The thing Fresh server players seem to love is that No one is 60, and they like the leveling experience part of the game.

For them, maybe a server without any end game content a monthly reset is what they really need. No kidding, reset monthly and leveling content only.

It will literally just be Classic all over again. Nothing will be different.

Going back only to arrive exactly where you are right now is insanity.

The people who want Fresh are total clowns & should not ever be catered to.

You gotta understand though, it’ll be different this time! They got it all planned out and their route will be altered to ensure they are server first max this time, guarenteed. If it doesn’t go as planned, they’ll just request another mulligan.


This thread is so reminiscent of the Wall of No days. Some people just have this incessant need to shoot down others’ wants and desires if they don’t share them.

Fresh servers are fine - and if games like EQ show us the VAST majority of Classic players would jump to fresh servers because the “new server hype/rush mentality” is a real thing. Everyone likes the race and the feeling of a fresh new server with tons of people.

What the FRESH crew here doesn’t like to talk about is that despite a server being fresh within a month the server will have the same amount of bots, the same amount of boosting, and the insane economies that the other servers have now. Nothing will ever stop that and it will ALWAYS be present on every future server.

Now if you want to argue the SEASONAL server thing, sure, do that, EQ does that…every year new servers come out and 90% of the playerbase jumps to these new servers and starts fresh and in a year when all the negative things are in full swing they release a new one and we rinse and repeat for the last 15 years.

But if you think a FRESH server is going to fix or solve any Classic issues, well your just deluding yourself. The only person that can fix it is Blizzard and just like Darkpaw (EQ) they seem to have no desire to do that.

To add to that though, you also have the players demanding another fresh server for that experience again and to heck with the people left behind unaware that the only reason the server was created was for those people who wanted the leveling launch hype.

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Why does this sub think people care about Server 1sts? Literally no one cares about that.

People just want to level alts and be able to do elite quests and run dungeons, that’s it.

This is very true. Its all a cycle and we have seen it for 15 years in EQ. There are different players but I would say they all fall into a few categories:

  1. The Racer - This player loves the new feeling of a new server. They want to level with tons of people and they want to be the first and race to max level and experience everything first on a new server. These people eventually fall into 2 categories and either quit after the freshness wears off, but usually they end up in an end game raid guild and are solid raiders till a new server is launched and they then jump ship. This is probably no more than 10-20% of the playerbase.

  2. The Hype Star - This person jumps on board because they love the new server hype. They play hard they play fast and then they burn out. They usually dont make it more than 6 months past a new server launch but they will be there EVERYTIME a new server launches. This is the vast majority of progression players.

  3. The Life Longer - This person hasn’t played for a while but wants to but can’t find anywhere to fit in with an older server. They want the new server because they want to start their journey and stick with it. This is the person that is going to join the server and stick till the end usually joining a raiding guild. This is a very small crowd of people, if EQ server populations are to go by this is no more than 20% of the population that plays on Progression servers.

  4. The Friend - This person is doing it cause their friends want to. What they do depends totally on what their friends do, but that friend is usually a Hype Star and they burn out and leave and then the friend does too, or they fail to keep up and leave anyway.

Those are my analysis of different players of Progression servers IMO.

For real. Firsts were done over a decade ago. There is no clout in it anymore. With the experience and resources of today, there is nothing impressive about beating old content.

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I promise you there is a very real part of the population that cares deeply about these things. Not the majority at all, (Id wager no more than 20%) but there are those people.

Every EQ Progression server has leaderboards and kill times and completion rates and server firsts. Its a large part of the servers for a good junk of people and "beating’ the previous servers records is a huge deal on EQ.

YOU may not care, but I promise you there are a lot who do and those people will ALWAYS jump to any new FRESH server that is released, because its a huge part of why they play.

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B-But if I don’t care then everyone else is just delusional!!

I didn’t understand the leaderboard people either and thought they were just strawmanning fresh.

It would be cool if blizzard spent any effort at all on classic and gave us some features in the realm forums, who killed what boss first atleast, or server first.

But without that infrastructure already existing, their arguement of “bragging about first” just shows they are part of the discord culture where a minority do play for that. Thats great for them I’d rather level and play(read:kill in wpvp) with that crowd than bots and boosters.