My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

Bump same for me

Bump to keep thread near top

bump because still no fix

Two days in a row of hotfixes and still nothing from blizz even acknowledging it

same issue cant get my profession knowledge quests or weekly coffer keys

Daily bump, to be reminded that blizzard just dont wanna aknowledge / fix this and wait for next week to see if it will correct itself alone

Right now, we’re talking about missing out on roughly 4-6 knowledge points for the week and potentially 4 item level 603 upgrades. This is huge for the first week of season 1 where early progression can be critical.

bumb for blizzard not fixing

At least you got a nicer answer than what i got.


Customer Support does not provide game hints or restore items, currencies, or progress lost due to bugs.

And then proceed to link wowhead, icyveins and bug reporting forums. I was SUPER PISS at this response

Like those will help me with you screwing up the reset

Bump, still in same boat also, hopefully we won’t lose out on the week’s progress once its resolved.

oh my god, this is real and I didn’t just forget that I’ve already done weekly things on my paladin, they were actually not given to me after the reset. Glad I decided to check the forums

Bump. Another daily reset and still no resolution.

Promising response earlier above is now not so promising that bliz will actually do something

I have never been more disappointed.

Crazy that theres no response

Commenting again:

I also submitted a ticket and at first got an automatic reply that had nothing to do with the issue. I responded and asked to speak to a person and finally heard back. The CS rep said that they are aware of the issue like the above poster mentioned. Idk if that’s true or not but it’s something.

I’m just assuming the keys, rep, and gear from the caches are gone and I’ve accepted that lol. I am worried about next reset though. Might try logging on some alts first or wait a few hours because this sucks and the lack of communication is really depressing.

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ya, logging on a throw away alt first just in case moving for the next few weeks

Any updates anyone?

nopers aswell as bumb

I see they are going to push fixes today for their colossal Delve screw up last night, yet not a single word about this issue.