My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

My priest seems completely broken for the launch of season which is infuriating.

I disenchanted 30 items and got zero knowledge point drops.
I don’t have access to weekly profession work order quests with the consortium.
I did a bountiful delves and it had no chest for me to use a key on at the end.

Oddly I do have access to some weekly content like the quest to do 10 world quests and the eyes of the weaver so I have no idea what the common factor is.

I am very worried that I having seen this being reported as a common bug because if it doesn’t get fixed soon it means my vanilla character is bricked…


bump same thing happened to me


did you login right after servers came up?

I did - on the toon I logged in right after servers came up I don’t have the above weekly content. I also am not getting restored coffer keys from the weekly cache’s I was able to do. On an alt I do have access to the weekly quests

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yeppers aaa

same issue, only on the first char i logged into after reset. Caches didn’t give gear or delve keys. Other chars are able to pick up weeklies and seem to have appropriate rewards.

same thing happened to my demon hunter did the 2 nerubian delves didnt get anything from it if thats where i get my spark from for the weekly we gonna have a huge issue cuz i also cant do the machine weekly quest nor the theatre weekly quest

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Same issue. Logged into main after reset. No awakening the machine reset, no profession weeklies reset. First 2 bags of weeklies that DID reset didn’t give me gear or keys.

It is very hit/miss. I did get the weekly 10 world quests. Can not get theater weekly, awakened machine, rolling in the deeps at all. Did much content before i really figured it out. Weekly cache, 2 x special assignment cache and reclaim the light cache all gave no actual loot, just currency, and zero coffer keys…

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and to add, treatises not working after reset, just told that ive learned all i can from those. So still on lockout from last week.

Same experience here, can’t get profession knowledge either, stuck in last week’s lockout. Could be related, but my Brann also isn’t getting xp in any delves.

Same issue for my evoker, no new knowledge, cant read treatise, no loot from awakening the machine or the theater

yep, submitted some bug reports ingame as well. relogged a few times, no change

Same issue here. Wasn’t aware that caches were not giving anything though (just noticed virtually no content reset).

wow and guess what im not getting any m0 gear cause of it

3 m0s and no loot please blizzard fix this

I can’t get any weekly quests - no dungeon quest, no delve quest, no world event quest. They just aren’t showing up, even when I talk to the quest givers.


List item

its annoying because blizzard is acting like this isnt a serious problem

i posted a ticket the response i got was an automated one about being locked or not being close enough to get credit for stuff it was just a copy paste text from a robot that basically said kick rocks its somehow the players fault not the games

I also can’t access my weekly content, the same as OP:

Theatre Troupe
Weekly Artisan Acuity Quests
Awakening the Machine

Plus no Weekly alchemy quest, no knowledge drops from herbalism, no new Patron Work Orders…

I did login as soon as the server went back up