My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

Please read this Blizzard, this is a perfect summary of the issues.

I got a reply for my ticket which essentially said here are the ways you can get restored coffer keys mentioning the weekly quests that I said were bugged. Then I got the same thing that if I believe it’s a bug submit it as they are the only ones that can help. I’ve lost hope that this will get fixed.

welp nothing to do but keep this post alive and asking

Just got this response from my ticket opened on 9/10 (reset day), seems they are now at least aware of this issue:

"Thank you for contacting Blizzard Entertainment. This is Game Master Sisajobeto.

And, I would like to apologize for the previous automated response, as it helps us sometimes with busy seasons such as this one, but clearly in your case we should have reached out to you first, for which I apologize.

I gathered from your ticket here that you did not get the weekly quests reset. I’ll be more than happy to look into this for you.

So, I’ve taken a closer look here, we’ve received multiple reports regarding this particular issue, and our dedicated team of developers is actively working on resolving it. We recognize the impact it has on your gameplay experience, and we are committed to finding a solution.

In the meantime, I highly recommend submitting a bug report that can help our developers put out a fix as soon as possible.

Please click the following link to access the bug report submission form:

Or to report a bug in-game by following the below steps:

  1. Press Esc or click the ? button to open the menu.

  2. Click Support.

  3. Click Submit feedback or bug report.

  4. Enter the details of the bug into the Submit a bug description box, making sure to follow the guidelines outlined on the submission form.

  5. Click Submit.

I do apologize for the inconvenience, and I really appreciate your patience while our team works on this. Safe travels and may your adventures be bug-free!"

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Well that’s a little promising!

If they are just now becoming aware of a serious issue that has been present now for almost 2 days, then I have to seriously wonder what rock they are living under. I’d like to say this is promising, but they should not just be acknowledging it now, they should be deploying the fix.

They BETTER get it fixed before tuesday or im gonna be pissed

because losing a week of progress right before m+ is quite tilting

bumping because i still dont have coffer keys

losing out on 4 of the coffer keys this week on my main is tilting

Bump. Reiterating how disappointing it is they can’t even extend us the courtesy of a response, given the impact of something like this so early in the season.

Bumb. Bliz please fix this 4 keys is a massive amount of potential loot before m+ starts. Please fix this!

Bump also having this issue.

Bump. Come on Blizzard. Any response at this point would be nice.

It seems like we got flagged as having completed all the weeklies we did last week, for this week. No coffer keys, no professions weeklies.

The weakaura I use for profession knowledge shows that I did everything already. The wowhead scripts for the weekly quests show TRUE as if they had been completed already as well.

This is a crazy bug with a lot of player power impact :frowning:

I don’t think Blizzard cares. Also is this because we bought the early access?

I have multiple friends that bought early access and did not have this issue. I am the only one in my group this happened to.

Today’s hotfixes just came out, and shockingly, no fix. Batting a thousand Blizzard. However, they did have time to completely destroy Delves, so there is that…

this sucks soo much…

Bump. Affected my main, alts are fine. Very strange. Hopefully fixed soon.