My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

I’ll have to find it, but I saw a post from someone that said they had this issue the first reset, and it has continued to every reset since then. They said they just leveled a new character.

bumping this for visibility.

Seems different people has similar but different problems based on how quickly they logged in after the maintenance.

I logged as soon as the servers were available but with some delay, and some weekly content is available, but i’m missing awakening the machine, theater troupe and alchemy/artisan acuity weekly quests.
I have a friend (the one that told me the servers were up, he logged in first) that is missing way more content than just that.

Thats exactly what happened on my pally

so from what ive seen from people, it seems if you logged in the second the servers came up, half the weekly are missing, am I correct?

This seems to be the trend. Those of us who tried to log in right away got caught in limbo so to speak and then disconnected immediately. Then we were able to log in when we tried a second time.

I also tried to log in the second my server appeared, failed to load and got briefly trapped in “character name already exists” limbo. Didn’t notice anything was weird until I tried to get profession knowledge, then noticed I was flagged as having completed weekly quests I hadn’t done since 9/3

yep I got stuck in loading limbo then alt 4d and got character already exists

Yeah that seems to be the case, attempted to login as soon as they came up, got kicked back to the login screen, then had about a 2-3min loading screen on the second login attempt before getting in. The affected things I’ve observed so far on my character that logged in right away are:

  • Restored Coffer Keys and Equipment do not drop from Weekly Caches.
  • Treasures and Mobs do not drop Profession Knowledge.
  • No new Profession Knowledge Weekly Quests, no new Patron Orders, unable to use Treatises.
  • No World Reward Track in the Great Vault (I’m unsure if this is just a visual glitch due to being stuck on a pre-season lockout or if my Vault is actually bricked for the week. Raids and Dungeons tracks are counting progress.)
  • There is no quest to do Awakening the Machine and all of the caches behind the Speaker are missing, likewise Theatre Troupe in Isle of Dorn, Spreading the Light in Hallowfall and Rollin’ Down in the Deeps (Wax Kobold) are similarly unavailable.
  • Weekly reset rares that were killed the previous week are not rewarding reputation (This is account-wide and not just the affected character)
  • Mythic dungeons will not directly drop loot for the affected character, luckily you can still be traded loot from other players and it doesn’t affect the quantity of loot that drops. (Play with friends.)

Unaffected things:

  • I received a Spark for the week, I’m unsure if it was from the quest or if I looted it elsewhere.
  • Bountiful Delves seem to be working fine and I’m able to loot the 603 Champion Gear at +8 and the 610 Hero Gear from the Delver’s Bounty Hidden Trove. (I did these in a group, unsure about solo.) I’m also getting the Radiant Sparks from Delves and they’re working properly at the Worldsoul Memories. Brann is leveling up correctly and currently at level 25.
  • I’m able to be assigned loot in raid. It’s possible that like the mythic dungeon loot issue I cannot directly receive personal loot rewards from raids (Warbound items, end boss mount) but I have no way of knowing for sure.
  • PvP rewards seem to be working correctly and I have access to all of the PvP weekly quests. I also correctly received the quest for the 9x Forged Gladiator Heraldry after my first Epic Battleground Win.

Haven’t done the World Boss yet as I was hoping to have this fixed before the end of the week. I expect I can’t receive items from it currently but I can’t verify that.


I got my spark from delves
not the quest tho and checked all the boxes so yep, same exact thing

That’s strange. I logged in 30 mins after the servers came up and I’m having the same issues. My friends on Area52 who logged in before me are fine. Only thing I noticed was that my loading screen crashed the first time.

same EXACT way aswell so ig we just got unlucky XD

Adding to the testimonials here–

I also logged on exactly at reset and had no access to any of my profession weekly knowledge for tailoring. No weekly quest, unable to loot profession knowledge tokens from dirt/treasures. My ringing deeps weeklies also did not appear.

im just to keep posting until blizzard is forced to acknowledge us

maybe we can make this the most posts under one forum

Hoping this gets fixed before the end of the week because those knowledge points are huge.

Would love for my main toon to actually get to finish whatever is only for that character (profession points the big one right now).

We might be going a full week without a fix, me thinks.

How has this not even been addressed by BLizzard?! At least let us know you are aware of the issue and are working on a fix ffs!

This should be upvoted and pinned. This is the most concise description of the situation.

The only thing different for me is I am able to receive loot from M0s but everything else is exactly the same.

yep but we shall see