My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

same thing I cant get weekly delve keys or the gear from caches.

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everyone needs to open a ticket and copy this forum post put it in the ticket

Bumping again

Bumping for justice

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bumping cuz blizz needs a bump >.>

I see a problem, i give a bump

[quote=“Vrakthris, post:7, topic:1960922, full:true”]

The only thing I can tell you, Nikitabanana, is that we’re aware of the reports and it is being looked into. We don’t have any other information to share, sorry.
[/quote] lol…post in other post

Daily Bump because this issue needs to be known.

Bumping this thread because the fact we dont have anything remotely acknowleging the issue nor even a potential compensation plan when it is fixed is just bad business. This is a Massive Bug.

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There are several of these threads running around the forums right now (and rightfully so imo!)

Here’s one with a blue post. Weeklys on Character not reset - #21 by Vrakthris

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I am still unable to do weekly content. How is there no acknowledgement yet? A core function of the game is not working for MANY players.

So the only blue response is play nice but no info on whether or not they are aware of the bug??

(post deleted by author)

Same issue here. I did login shortly after the reset and got hung on a loading screen for a while then disconnected. When loading into the game I noted that my character did not have a location. I then loaded in the game (which took quite some time ~3-5m).

I cannot do the following.

  • Get the play weekly in Isle of Dorn
  • Get the awakening machine weekly
  • Collect any coffer keys
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More tickets

Already submitted two tickets, no help just an ai response. I don’t think they are going to do anything about it.

Bot reply for ticket #1. Submitted follow-up.

its bc they only care about RWF right now next week when we dont reset bc we all know WE WONT! will be 3rd week in a row of them ignoring everyone and should of listened when people said the Expansion is NOT READY should of came out in Oct/Nov

This is GM Natsume Shigure,

I can see that you are having problems with the weekly reset not happened to your character as intended and I understand this is really frustrating, This is a known issue that our Dev teams are already aware and looking into it, but sadly we currently do not have any workarounds.

So to optimize our bug issue priorities, please kindly use the in-game bug report in the menu, this will send the report directly to the bug raiders, they will look into this issue directly from there. This report will serve as ammunition for the team to deal with this bug.

I will also report in your issue on your behalf from my end to give the team more information on fixing it. Please give attention to our forums for they will announce fixed bugs from there.


Blizzard Customer Support
Game Master Natsume Shigure