My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

It is not reset, no reset, not reset, second week not reset

Not what i was hoping to hear…

Alts are OK, too scared to log into my main based on the above posts.

Same issue for me. First time happening this week. There goes the 800k I invested into keeping ahead of the community in alchemy.

fixed on my mage (main )

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I’m hoping mine will be when i can log, but I’m not holding my breath.

My lock is still broken

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This just happend to me as well on my main character. This reset I am unable to use my profession treatise, it says I have already used them. My blacksmithing weekly crafting order quest is also not showing up for me. I hope they fix this or do something soon, its already really difficult to get knowledge points and acuity as it is…for this to skip you a week and set you back really sucks.

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My main is also being victimized by this bug. Please blizzard help us!

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I made sure to log into two alts before my main and my main now seems okay as do my alts. My condolences to all those who are still going through this or who are now experiencing it. Unfortunately, as many of us learned last week, you will have to accept the week as a loss. Blizzard doesn’t really care.

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hey we’re gonna need a blue post acknowledging this issue or we’re gonna have to drive to irvine and start swingin ya feel me


I did not have this issue last week, but do this week on my monk only. Like people stated before, I logged on right as servers came up. No coffer key from my first Pinnacle quest, no weekly Awakening the Machine quest, no profession quests, can’t use treatises, etc.

This is ONLY happening on my Monk - Warlock logged in and picked up weekly quests just fine.


None of my faction weeklies reset. Last week I didn’t get access to the World Soul weekly. C’mon blizz, this is really impactful and not a peep from you guys

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I am broken too. This is ridiculous.

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This needs a response. Two weeks and no response is a disgrace

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Yeah, just did the Awakening the Machine weekly and the Light’s Blooming Weekly, but no coffer key or veteran gear. Very disappointing as I really enjoy the delves…

same issue here, nothing reset

People in my Troupe event reporting no weekly quest, so it appears this is a persistent random issue. I actually wrote WoWHead the other day asking them to post something about it because I feel it needs more exposure to get resolved, but they never did.

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Bumping this one too – there are several threads for this right now and it happened again this week.

Yikes this has just happened to my main. First no profession reset, now no coffer keys.

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