My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

After zero recognition, I’m just hoping I reset as expected Tuesday. Not looking forward to leveling a replacement main…

bump i just keep saying i have a problem when they try to answer the ticket with generic response and say go to the bug forums cuz its already here so i just write give me my 4 coffer keys and weekly profession knowledge through my mail if u wont reset my weekly progression that didnt auto reset this last tuesday for my DH no luck so far but might aswell give them the dumb responses if they wanna hide this from the community and not put out a fix with an overall apology for failure to assist their playerbase who were affected.

This is the reply I got today after 3 days waiting reply after keeping ticket open from the auto bot replies.

Not much information, but its something?

Greetings Name,

Thank you for reaching out. Game Master Dilretha at your service, and I trust this message finds you in high spirits.

Concerning the elusive restored coffer key drop, rest assured, there’s no known gremlin causing mischief here. As customer support champions, we don’t wrestle with in-game bugs directly—we leave that to the valiant souls in the bug report forums. Your message has been catapulted over to the dedicated team with precision. Your understanding is much appreciated.

Wishing you a splendid day filled with legendary loot and grand quests.

Warm regards,
Game Master Dilretha

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im 100% sure they will fix this from happening to others in future and the people that it did happen to you will be kinda screwed for the week and hopefully not the rest of the resets because that wouldn’t be cool like imagine our characters are bugged and permanently wont get the weekly reset that would fry alot of characters professions and weekly progression only thing you would really get every week is the spark from the catch up mechanic

I have the same issue but thankfully it’s limited to weekly profession quest.

All weeklies (not only profession ones) seem inconsistent. Some of my toons can get all, some are missing one or another, some are missing several. All my tickets were answered without a person directly talking to me, and often the answer didn’t understand the problem, as if they didn’t know what profession knowledge and weekly quests are.

Another day another very very heavily worded response to the automated ticket

I’m 100% sure they won’t fix this, just hope it won’t happen next reset dans say in patch note “we fixed blabla” if it did

The ticket responses I’ve got from CS basically say “there are no confirmed issues with this content, nothing we can do in customer service, devs need to fix it so submit a bug report”.

Our only hope is that it resolves itself without anyone actually looking at it on next Tuesday’s reset.

As I said, the level of incompetence is absolutely staggering. The left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing. I’m absolutely amazed things still run successfully to the degree that they do.

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Same here.

Now, based on your description of the issues you’re having, we need you to add your reports of these issues to the forums you found, not only that gets more data into the hands of our developers to look into what’s going on, but it also gives a better impression of how wide of an impact it’s having, so that it can be best prioritized on the list of things to look into.

Yes, come all. Add your information so it can be blatantly ignored and the problem left unresolved for a week.

Hope they fix this before tomorrow, haha!

Good one :dracthyr_lulmao:

At this point, I honestly have no faith this will be resolved with the new weekly reset.

I highly doubt it will be fix tomorrow. If it is, they didnt do anything its just the weekly reset. Would have been better to have a GM aknowledge the bug and say “we can’t / won’t do anything, you lost a week, suck for you” then nothing… but hey, i’m probably asking too much.

Just look at the guild spam achievement bug, no GM aknowledged it and now an addon was made to “fix” the bug… I highly suspect, same thing will happen here… but no addon can help us.

Well folks, it has been an honor. Here to hoping we do not get screwed over again. Cause if we do i will seriously consider just playing space marine 2

I’m curious if you have alchemy because I do not think I have ever seen the weekly alchemy quest show up for me yet I do get the herbalism one.

I’m planning to log into alts first and wait a bit after reset. Hopefully my main gets back on track this week. Losing the keys this last week sucks but isn’t the end of the world.

I’ll be more upset if this bug persists and stops my main from picking up those future weekly quests that rotate and sometimes drop a heroic ilvl piece or whatever.

This is my plan as well. I will log into an alt first just in case. If my main is not fixed though, this is likely the end of the road for me as well. Putting aside what this has done to progression (losing out on 4 potential upgrades), the bigger issue to me is the lack of any response or acknowledgement of a very serious issue.

If they ignore it once, they are likely to ignore it again or in the future if it comes up. I don’t feel like gambling every week with wondering if my character will be bricked for a week. That’s just not fun.

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Bump still having issues after weekly reset.