My character bugged after reset - no access to most weekly content

you cant make this up

I firmly believe there is a dictionary somewhere where if you looked up the word “Incompetence”, you’d find Blizzard listed front and center.

I wonder if i delete my character and use wow’s character recovery service it would somehow unstuck it.

I was just thinking that this morning actually.

Do it and let us know lol.

dont do it. character restoration is unavailable right now… ffs

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Saturday afternoon bump. Even though I’m under no illusion Blizzard is even paying attention. And as we are now in the weekend, this is most likely a loss and we get to eat a week of lost progression…

I hope it’s just a week lost, because there are people complaining on reddit about being stuck even before that.

bump. Why is blizzard not responding to this? it affected hundreds of people !

Daily bump, to be reminded that they wont fix it

Morning bump. It appears there is maintenance this morning. It’s odd to have it on a Sunday, so here’s hoping it’s a fix for this. However, they said there was maintenance yesterday and it never happened and the messages got changed to Tuesday. Now it was changed to today.

Sunday maintenance has concluded and the issue still persists. Blizzard is hereby awarded an ‘F’ for incompetence beyond what anyone could possibly imagine possible.

I am probably on copium right not but I am really hoping the dailies resetting will somehow trigger it…

To no one’s surprise, the daily reset did not resolve it.

My thoughts exactly

what if it happens again on next week ‘’ reset’’ -_-

This is basically what I got as well. AI slop response that conveys to me that no human ever read my ticket because they responded with specific quest help and nothing to do with my weeklies being bugged.

Icy-Veins and WoWhead aren’t going to help with this one…

still nothing on my end

Evening bump with the realization Blizzard has effectively screwed us for the week, and hoping we don’t get screwed next week (but not holding my breath).

yep bump, we got a brann hotifx!!! so huge
def the most important concern and not atleast 1000 people missing weeklys