My argument for a fresh server

They can keep waiting. SoM came, went, and was a failure. Further, the “Fresh Start” experiment was a proven flop. Ditch seasonals/restart gimmiks, give us proper Classic+: Classic Era Phase 7!


They did, but the game was more popular than they realized.

This is the poison that I’m so sick of hearing about.

It’s not, if you get over your high horse of “being first”.

To some (not all) people. But, the OP is not part of that camp. The OP wants “fresh” in the hopes PvE Horde side population will be bigger (to their liking), and there’s no guarantee about that.

It’s meaningless, yes (to me). But others like the race and the competition, let them have fun too.

Personal attacks are not relevant the point of discussion.

Nothing wrong with dreaming. Everyone want’s a new something, Fresh, New SoM, Classic+, TBC everclassic, it’s endless.

aww you not so bad for a mutated troll
zugs need love too

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I understand that, but it’s literal poison to the game and causing all of these server abandonments.

  1. I wasn’t attacking anybody.
  2. What I said IS true AND relevant to the conversation. “Being first” is LITERAL poison and only folks with high horses care about that nonsense.

Nothing with dreaming but dreams can be short sighted which is what OP’s is.


Doesn’t mean it’s going to “fix” whatever nonsense they think it’ll fix, for those, in the OP’s position.

A LOT of “freshers” are looking for “botless”, “AH Raiding-less”, “Boosting-less”, etc., servers, yet “fresh” doesn’t seem to eliminate ANY of this. Not until the Server becomes “dead” and it’s easier to salvage. Until it becomes more populated, again, and it all repeats, from there.

My opinion differs. Other players who want to compete for a first have no bearing on your gameplay. You don’t need to participate. Play the way you like and enjoy yourself.

I find it reasonable, you are welcome to your opinion though.

Or, they just enjoy fresh and want to play it. It’s ok to ask for stuff, everyone else does … endlessly.

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Incorrect. They can influence entire servers to be just like them. Look at BB.

Real hard to be non-HC, there.

Not to mention unwarranted changes I don’t want to see/occur like the chronoboon.

I already do, but it still presents a challenge or a change.

Likewise, and we already agree there’s no guarantee “fresh” will plummet PvE Horde side numbers.

So, what are we even arguing about, at this point?

I’m NOT talking about them, and we’ve already went over this. Quit making circular arguments.

OFC, and I can provide the same answers, to the same questions, endlessly.

The “fresh” camp looking for solutions (not the “fresh” for the sake of “fresh”) repeat the same requests, and the “problems” (whatever they are) they think “fresh” will “fix”, doesn’t. Period.

Sounds to me like OP wants to PvP, but only when “They are ready for PvP”. No Alliance coming before they are geared up and prepared to do their best.

OP could have went elsewhere to lvl. Let the area cool down, go to Ashenvale or even 1k Needles. There are options when playing on a PvP server. OP is hating Stonetalon gankage? Wait until they go to Hillsbrad and Southshore gankage is waiting for them all day long.

You join a PvP server, be prepared for getting ganked, it happens, that is what they are for. Player vs Player combat 24/7. Anytime, anyplace.

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Where’s fresh…?

if horde cant grief world pvp then no one will play horde it is really simple

What happened to Skyfury? I raided on a hunter there until the guild I was in fell apart in the middle of Naxx LOL. I quit wow for a few months then returned for Era. Maybe I answered my question.

The Fresh Start realms exposed themselves to be nothing more than FOMO ponzi schemes. A freshly minted realm lost it’s ‘freshness’ in 10 17 days.

Moral of the Story: Never cave to phreshers.

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Yea, PvP servers have always been more popular. Been that way since '04.

Best way to beat a twink? You out level it. When I had my level 60 ret pally twink back in orignal Wrath it could kill some level 80s. All those people would do was get on a better geared 80 and kill me. Then I became a kill on sight player even when I was not trying to twink that toon. So I stopped twinking, leveled it to 80 in Wrath and now many years later it is level 70 in a good PvP guild in retail. So good twinks will only do it till hey get bored then quit. The bad ones will spawn camp you and all your low level friends, then log off the second you get a better toon than their own. The bad ones will never level their wink and will log out 100% of the time you get a toon that can fight back.

Best way to beat a twink that you cannot beat? Level out of them.

Well… kind of. lol. Some of it was people playing for a little while and then quitting.

I didn’t play on Skyfury but I tend to follow things about server health.

A lot of people rolled there who were waiting for Dragonflight from Retail or who were bored in TBCC and intended to go back to their characters on the already mega realms for Wrath. That, combined with large queues and transfers and then transfer restrictions, along with people in Wrath genuinely thinking that they can’t find pugs or fill a 25 man raid group with less than 30,000 logged players, is probably what lead to its downfall. There were stories about power plays too and Discord control.

I was sadder about Maladeth. Free transfers off were offered there with no one even asking for them which people took as they always do because of fear of missing out. Therefore a lot of those who liked the smaller tight-knit community of that PVE server just quit the game, because the mega server “nobody knows anybody” culture was not fun to them. This is something I can relate to completely.

I didn’t really want those servers to fail because so many people just posted rude snarky things about them even existing, but what can you do?

But apparently hard englishes

It lasted a lot more than 10 days and it was tons of fun with pvp leveling fresh before wrath. Megaservers are cancer, blizzard needs to reduce server caps to what they were back in the day.

You’re right it was 17 days. In less than 3 weeks time, the F R E S H had worn off.

No it was perfectly populated for the whole pre wotlk period it was up, and we raided regularly and had no problem recruiting throughout phase 1. I quit in December but until that point we had full raids every night with wait lists and the server was no where near dead.

It would still be fine if Blizzard didn’t allow mega server bullcrap.


You’re missing the point. Freshers threw a fit when toons no older than 17 days entered Angerforge from Skyfury. The F R E S H was ruined and now neither Skyfury nor Angerforge was considered a fresh realm. This lunancy that demands ‘fresh’ is best ignored. Why cater to a population that is ready to abandon their realm in less than 3 weeks?

The realm had a large queue at the beginning which is why Angerforge was created. It’s not abandoning the realm if you never spent any significant time on it.

People enjoy the leveling experience and world pvp that isn’t people in max tier raid gear ganking. Doing it every once and a while makes sense.

Blizzard doesn’t need to stop fresh servers, it needs to cap servers back in original population caps so we don’t have idiocy like megaservers and layering. But the megaserver andys throw a hissy fit and then think putting spaces between letters in words is some sort of clever point.