Fresh realms never truly worked in an MMO.
On release, everyone wants to play on them but after a while they are empty. This isn´t much different to RPG´s like Diablo, on season start there is a lot of hype, but after a few weeks, many go back to their old chars or just quit out of boredom.
With an MMO, each new realm will at one point die, as people that play an MMO, have invested so much time on their old realm, that the majority will always go back.
I did reroll three times in WOW history on brand new realms, all three of them did die and are empty today, while my first realm is still healthy.
Have we learned nothing fom SOM? This was the biggest fail in recent years at WOW, opening new realms again just doesn´t make any sense. There are so many empty ones, just reroll there, you will have an empty world and can start from 0 again.
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I don’t think people that want a fresh want an empty realm. What they want is a high pop fresh and everything that comes with that including a fresh economy and the rush to 60 and all that. These things aren’t possible on Era at the moment.
My interpretation of what happened to SoM is that it wasn’t good timing to come out with it during a progression phase of TBC. Had I been able to play at the time I would have been one of the people who focused on TBC instead. If Blizzard chooses to do another SoM I hope it goes from Classic through TBC with Era options for both.
This is what they want. Provided there is a large enough number of players engaging the game at whatever stage each player is at, the ‘fresh’ is irrelevant (and also arbitrary).
The Fresh Start realms in Wrath proved that a server can lose its 'Fresh’ness in less than two weeks.
Wow, you should buy a lottery ticket. You’re lucky!!
My first Retail realm was awesome. Most of the people left and it was merged with 5 others and now nothing about it matters, nothing happens on the server forums and there’s no Discord because nobody cares… but that’s the case with all the retail realms the slight exception being the RP ones.
The first Classic realm, which I had a lot of fun on especially pre-tbc with lots of memories from it which is what matters to me, is totally dead, despite my spending an insane amount of hours trying to keep it healthy. At least there’s still a Discord of a community from that where people chat and meme about lots of things including the little stories from that.
The realm I moved my characters to from the above realm WAS a vibrant place with a community but now it’s like it’s been taken over by aliens that force killed half the population (the now 0.2% side) and turned the others into slave workers and then changed it up to be boring. I’d just call those realms “Soul free metropolises with a Retail server vibe” as they are such shells of themselves that they aren’t what started.
I won’t say bad things about Era realms because I haven’t been playing it admittedly, other than to say they are not the realms they started as.
SoM had a long list of problems. I’ve written about them as long posts as I do, others have written about those too. Those season servers were, by design, set to have a certain lifespan. I’m still glad for the time I played SoM, that was an experience with some crazy memories.
If you’re going to give examples of fresh failing talk about Wrath Skyfury and Maladath, even though that was Wrath. I’d still argue that the freshies had more fun on those servers before they died than a lot of the people on the “soul-free metropolises” did.
In short, it is nice to see that Era has had a resurgence and I don’t think that would have happened if people just went to a fresh server. I’ve even posted to the OP that he’s going to have to deal with what we’ve got. However, I don’t really agree with the premise of any of the post you made based on what I wrote: The original Classic servers that moved onto Wrath died (90%) or are now no longer what they were, the Era servers now no longer represent what they were, and the Retail servers don’t matter other than for those selling transmogs or pushing progress and needing to join a guild doing the same.
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Without clogging up this thread more, if you want to see my perception of the problems with SoM they are here, note that its challenges were so deep that there are quite a few other reasons beyond my list. I am waiting for another season and I want it to be better:
Yeah, SOM failed for a reason - WoW Classic / Wrath of the Lich King Classic Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (
You are wrong, plain and simple.
Having over 200 gold at level 32 as I currently do without doing more than putting things up on the auction house when I head to town is one anecdote on it not being irrelevant.
Your purchasing power at an arbitrarily selected level is just that: an irrelevant anecdote.
we are all not stay at home moms with all the time in the world…
waiting for fresh classic era still
you might have to compromise and eat grilled cheese off the radiator play official hc or seasonal instead
There’s no guarantee that even with “fresh” realms, they’ll be “populated”.
Even when Classic FIRST came out, you still had “low pop” realms.
That being said, according to the OP, the AH is their tool to seeing which servers are “populated”, and if everyone is “starting over”, I don’t see how the AH is gonna be helpful, at the start.
Achievable on “dead” realms. I mean, look at what the HC Community did to BB.
Yes, they are, just nobody wants to put in the work. And have this illusion that “fresh” is the solution to their problems when it’s not.
If this is Whitemane that’s just the Horde experience. It’ll likely be a 100% Alliance server in the coming months. You can’t camp lowbies for hours and expect them not to quit.
Simply put, that’s wrong. It is intended to be an accomplishment to have the gold available to purchase your level 40 mount. Mount costs have historically been a motivator for things like class choice, when to level professions, and even ranking (Rank 11).
You aren’t making a case for yourself and are now retreating to baseless claims and non sequitur. Gold exists, your opinion of who should have how much gold at what level is irrelevant. Is 199 gold an acceptable amount of gold to own at level 32? Why or why not? How about at level 33? 45? Also, in comparison to everyone else on your realm, how much actual purchasing power does this 200+ gold provide? Does a Malachite cost 3 silver or 3k?
Pithy way to put it, this is what I observed as well. This should not be possible on a realm that captures a legitimate first-toon on a realm leveling experience.
Unfortunately this will be the lived reality for anyone wanting to reroll until fresh realms are released. Refusing to engage in the ersatz economy is an obtuse suggestion.
Despite any claims by anti-fresh reactionaries…
Well, I’ve been doing this to challenge, myself.
That’s not to say I don’t trade, however. I just don’t use the AH. It’s been fun, for me, anyway.
Again, try any non-freeXfer destination. Simply logging in to any of them will disprove your claim.
The two of you are fixated on the economies of clusters were GDKPs are the norm and are ignoring the blatant evidence of 20+ realms where this is not the case.
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TBF, nothing in gaming/life is guaranteed.
Make less realms? Seems like a good idea.
While this is true in a sense, you no longer have things like; the opening of the gates, realm firsts, true progression (everything is open) etc.
It feels different.
Or they just like fresh start servers, there doesn’t need to be problems or whatever to prefer that.
A large majority of people still waiting for fresh!