MW DPS to low

The problem with adding more damage for the sake of it will start causing a power creep
Once it happens to us, why can’t sham and druid get it, then disc will feel bad because it’s not even that good anymore, and so on

Our dps is legit fine, we do a ton while healing

It’s part of our play style it’s not really part of the other styles besides disc priest and holy pally that’s why I but it seems that maybe I’m just alone in this thought I guess…also I’ve said earlier I think disc could use a buff to there dmg to a little I think disc holypally and Mistweavers should have decent dmg and I think we are almost there just think we need a push on a tad more and hpal as I said also I like that they have dmg maybe could use a little tune down but personally again I think it makes sense.

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Well if that’s the case why not create tools, or add to the interactions you have with the playstyle, instead of juwt blanket increasing numbers

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I’m down for either or but we already DPS in our rotation so I just find that easier I guess but I’m literally down for anything that would at least give us a window for us to add a boost to our own damage maybe even healing or mana regen during the buff as well.

If we had to make a comparison using fire
Fallen order would be a candle
Vampire paladin would be a whole forest fire

aka fallen order’s dps is actual trash compared to vampire paladin

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You’re asking a lot from Blizzard. Mistweavers and hpal are in the same boat except hpal actually does a ton of damage.

They need to increase mistweaver damage to match hpal or give MW other tools

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So you want to nerf holy paladin damage based on the raid logs of a top 1% player in a top 1% guild? That doesn’t make sense to me. Instead of everyone calling for nerfs on x class bc of y, wouldn’t it be better to advocate for buffs on lesser performing classes/specs?

I love mistweaver, been my main for a long time and of course I want to see them get some love, but I don’t think it should be at the expense of bringing other specs down.

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Difference is mw is in line with another dps healer, and hpal does as much as tanks whilst healing as much as everyone else

I agree with you here but I do think a slight nerf to pally dmg could be done I’m not saying huge nerf though I don’t want to see that for pallys I said 25% earlier to pallys but that would still give you guys some really good DPS and giving us a 25% increase on top of that would still have you guys pretty far above us but reasonable to me. 25% might sound like a lot but it really wouldn’t be you would still definitely have really good DPS as a hpal it also makes it that you don’t have to get nerfed like someone said before by 75% to just meet us

25% spread out between rotation both ways for MW and HPal

Honestly, I’ve only been playing a holy paladin for about 2.5-3 weeks. The amount of damage they do is not really important to me while I’m still learning the spec.

What irritates me is that people are using a specific set up as their example of holy pally damage that doesn’t reflect the majority of the ppl playing that spec. I’ve done a lot of mythic+ across various characters and I have yet to see a holy paladin pull as much damage as the examples ppl are giving. I haven’t checked lately but last I knew the majority of Holy pallys didn’t even play Venthyr, where Ashen Hallow contributes to most of that damage via allowing Hammer of Wrath to be usable.

Maybe it’s not holy paladin damage over all that needs a nerf but the way Ashen Hallow works. At the same time though it’s on a 4 min cd so it’s not like the holy paladin is maintaining those high numbers throughout a dungeon. From what I have seen outside that burst window the average holy paladin player isn’t doing much more than 3-5k. Which in my opinion is fine given the specs design style.

I won’t speak to raiding bc I don’t do it. Not my cup of tea. I’m merely saying that I’m a person who advocates for finding ways to bring other specs up before defaulting to nerfing specs.

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Its insulting that of all things mw now does the least healer damage of all healers in addition to its other well known problems. Druids can cat/owl weave, shaman hits harder, holy hits harder, disc hits harder ambiantly, holydin has a dps build, and mw is left in the dust in another metric. Sure I’d like more then damage to be fixed for mw, but of all healers mw should never be the lowest damage healer, and especially not by the margin it currently is! This makes mw’s overall toolkit worse, which is an impressive feat all things considered.

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For mistweaver sake though I can’t sit here and say we need a 75% buff to catch up to you guys and still be behind for the most part. It’s kinda just trying to meet in the middle somewhere that I want to see happen I don’t care that hpal has more DPS then us. I think it makes sense we have more mobility. I do however think it’s way to far ahead of ours even with us having mobility. The 25% I was suggesting all ways really goes a long way to make it way smoother of a gap closer and not needing as much as some others call out for (meaning when people call for pally dmg nerf only)

I can agree that it would make sense to do it that way. However, before doing so they need to look at whether all holy paladin damage needs a tweak or if it’s related to Ashen Hallow. That’s all.

I’d love to go back to playing my MW, but for me, it’s not just their damage output that is making them less than fun to play right now.

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I don’t think it’s just AH for hpal from videos I’ve seen but that’s definitely the biggest gap when that’s being used. Butt I do agree that could be looked into more I can’t say I’ve done all the homework on my end to say anymore on that. A lot of people are worried doing a 25% increase to MW would buff ATOTM to much and I still don’t see that as well only because it’s not smart targeting anyways which makes us still focus heal here and there.

If they buff MW damage I don’t think it’s really a big deal if it buffs the leggo heal as well. Especially if they aren’t going to look at mana efficiency (for those who prefer to Mistweave at least). Like you said it isn’t a smart heal, which I thought it should be.

I have some ideas on how they could overhaul MW but I haven’t taken the time to post it over in the class forum yet.

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Yeah I have more ideas to like giving ATOTM to all MW monks and making the LEGO smart heal instead but that requires way to much of a rework I think lol.

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Honestly I think a total rework is in order. Over the years things have been taken and things added to a point now where it feels like MW is this horrid Maldraxxi creation of what they think the spec should be. I feel like it has lost its identity and they don’t know what to do with it.

While yes the logs i linked shows literally 1 person it still shows paladin can do it… the last time that happened was you know Rising mist 8.3 pre nerf where there was 1 person who was doing 1.1M hps then 2 weeks later it was 10 then… then blizzard went :hocho:

If we look at normal people logs you’re still 2x higher than mw, and 30% higher than the healer designed to convert their dps to hps

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I’m probably in the minority of players that just think that healer damage across the board should be gutted. We’re healers, not DPS. While I understand that healer damage can contribute a lot to Mythic Prog and High M+, I kind of feel like it’s at the point where healer damage is used as a metric too much.

I miss the days where we could just heal and not have to try and do much of anything else - you know, our actual role was the primary focus and we weren’t told we aren’t doing enough damage. It’s just another thing that blizzard has to balance (and doesn’t) and I feel like it probably does more harm than good.

There’s no reason why the playstyles of hitting bosses to heal can’t still exist, just that the damage contribution is much less meaningful.

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I see what your saying just don’t think it should be this class. I always have chosen DPS classes and one day tried healing and didn’t like it thought it was boring honestly, but then I played around with fistweaving and my mind changed completely. I do agree with you though in some way and that’s why I think some healing classes should just be that for the most part

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