MW DPS to low

I totally understand. I just think if they go that route again with MW then the entire spec should be designed around it. Not the current design where it only half-supports that playstyle, and through the use of a legendary too rather than it be baseline. I’ve avoided fistweaving as much as I can just because to me it doesn’t feel complete - but I really hope they do something!

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Healer damage is actually defining the meta. It’s pretty dumb tbh. In the hands of a good player, being able to pump out damage while also healing is just too good. It’s not too important until late game where it’s become way out of hand

I like this though it lets there be more styles of healing. To me an ideal build would be to have a Healer and and a DPS healer in raids and I think classes/styles that are basically just healers should have more healing the the DPS healers to make up for it but it lets the DPS healer kinda relax (meaning focus on both there DPS rotation and healing not necessarily relax) a little more and it lets the pure healer heal like they also want to. This to me is an ideal thing and hope this just gets a little more light even shined on it if it doesn’t already. In keys it’s just pref imo on what the group would benefit more from. Same with arenas.

Ya Blizzard isn’t good at balancing. The healers that have the utility and the damage right now also have the best throughput.

There just isn’t anything that holy priests, resto druids, or Mistweavers excel at. I think giving Mistweavers the ability to attack while channeling or buffing their damage is the way to go.

We have Hpals doing 10k dps and mistweaver is not even close to that ballpark when it really should be doing just as much

If healer damage is that important, then MW should be going Fatal Touch and maybe even itemizing higher priority stamina. Having that execute up every minute would be massive in M+. I think AToM is bunk honestly Tiger Palm/Blackout Kick is such a GCD burden. You are freeing up your rotation this way because ToD is just bam done, every minute.

Not sure if your trying to troll with a poor attempt…but If we get to equip 2 legendaries it might be the 2nd one I use pve wise. I think you are taking it to far by saying our DPS is more important then our healing though or you just might not understand where I’m coming from play style wise.

This will never be the case though, because like Debby said, the healers that offer the damage + utility also bring the highest throughput. It’s been this way since Legion and nothing has changed.

Blizzard doesn’t care enough to make the changes needed or redesign underperforming specs to fit around this meta of healer damage contribution and raid wide DR cooldowns.

Until healer damage is a non-issue and until every healer has a DR (or they’re all removed), and while things like Spirit Shell still exist, there will never be a reason to bring Hpriest/MW/Rdruid over other healing specs.

Well I mean shaman bring a hero though so if no one has that in the group already that’s something. Stuff like that is nice cause even if our DPS is good not all the time is it easy to DPS and heal. I just threw shaman in there as an example I think different styles is good just need to keep it interesting. Of course people are always going to look for what ever it is they want in a group based on the comp but that’s always going to be based on that. I mean little things even like a healer being venthyr right now might get them picked if that’s what the group needs. I mean if we are talking high end stuff I still think this matters and it can totally work out just other healers need to know what there play style is supposed to be and how to improve it and push the community to it. In general though someone is always going to be upset cause they do t like how a class plays but they can always re roll I hate to say that but if I hated playing mistweaver right now that’s what I would do but I don’t I like the play style and I think that’s what really everyone should be focused on is play style.