Mutilate vs Sabre Slash

Remove offhand damage from mutilate and make it one combo point and it’ll be more balanced

Lmfao you guys are so out of touch.

It will be “Balanced”, no it will be dead, you won’t see a Mut rogue again

Its not just the combo points by the way.

2 combo points
hits with both weapons
40 energy
huge increased crit chance from tree
20% increased dmg to poisoned enemies
20% increased damage period (should be positionally from behind, but it works anywhere).

Its absurdly OP for such little investment.

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Mutilate is a better version of Backstab. It is balanced around being a better version of backstab.

complaing that you use mutilate instead of X spell is like Druids complaining they use mangle now instead of claw.

It was originally balanced around being a 41 point talent, but keep going.

It isn’t a matter of “using one versus another” it is a matter of making it so the class can use either the assassination tree or the combat tree and be essentially interchangeable as a class. That could be as simple as mutilate for assassination and saber slash for combat. Maybe Saber Slash is close enough that they could tweak it to align with Mutilate in P4.

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Eventhough I dislike using Mutilate and only use it because I need to be dps efficient, I totally oppose to nerfs to mutilate. Energy costs on all other cp generators need the same treatment Mutilate received, reduced by 20. That is the main reason mutilate is preferable currently.
Hemo, Backstab and Sinister Strike need extra perks added to them and they would be good.
Some may not enjoy as rogue gameplay will become more spammy and APM will be extremely high.

Now this guy is going for chaos lol. Insert flaming Elmo meme!

I don’t think any chaos would be added.
See even with 20 cp cost cp generators it would need 2 GCDs to accomplish what Mutilate does in a single GCD.
Regarding a possible burst damage, even backstab builds would only have higher burst damage at the 4th to 5th GCD since in 2 GCD Mutilate can already be used twice. The reduction on energy in other CP generators wouldn’t cause a burst that could surpass the frontload damage Mutilate ALREADY provides.

Fayld is 100% correct about Mutilate; its grossly overtuned and it prevents any kind potential experimentation with different builds using different abilities. Its legit sad that you cannot express the simple sentiment that Mut needs to be nerfed and the lost strength needs to be baked into the class because peoples lizard brains will react with wild panic at the very mention of a nerf; no matter the context, no matter how justified.

This is why balance is impossible with Mutilate the way it is now. Blizzard giga buffed Saber Slash and yet its still only competitive with Mut in a very particular way; if you have the right equipment, if you’re doing endgame raiding with BiS items, if the fight is favorable to SS builds, THEN yea its kind of on par with Mut. But the other 95% of the time Mut is still objectively superior and much easier to build, gear, and play.

Its the textbook example of a sitation where a nerf is needed, not wildly buffing every other builder in a vain attempt to compete with a broken ability.

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Not only that, but if you target swap or mess up AT ALL then saber instantly becomes so much worse that its never worth running.

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No rogue, you won’t get thunderfury.

And yet rogues aren’t overperforming by any metric (still waiting for the nerf monkies to put forth some numbers) so a 20% nerf to the class is definitely not warranted. People don’t even want to see blizzard attempt a major mechanical and damage redistribution at this stage because you’re more often than not worse off from where you started. All that work for what purpose? Just increase the AP ratio on saber slash and you’ve accomplished the goal of making it more viable with destroying mutilate.

It not about raid performance, its about Rogues being pidgeon-holed into using 1 build 95% of the time. I said above that any damage lost by bringing Mutilate into balance with other builders should be baked into the baseline class (by a buff to SnD, Rupture, Deadly Brew ect.)

Blizz has an active PTR rn specifically to test class balancing change so this is actually the perfect time to make such changes.

And I don’t think nerfing Mutilate counts as a major mechanical change anyway; thats why I think Mutliate should be nerfed actually because its a fairly simple change instead of going on an arms race to buff every other builder. Your suggestion of just buffing SS has two problems:

  1. It only makes Saberslash competitive; every other builder and rune (like Main Gauche) will be left in the dust
  2. Mutilate has so many inherent advantages (Silentassn listed them above) that its almost impossible to buff something to its level without overshooting the mark and making it OP.
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Id rather be stuck Mut than stuck playing saber slash

I’d prefer not to be stuck playing any one build: it’s boring.

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I wish they would just make mutilate require 1 dagger equipped.

It would be so OP if it got the sword damage range. It is already OP at 40 energy.

Isnt it barely beating Saber?