Mutilate vs Sabre Slash

You cannot use anything but Mutilate, because getting 2 combo points makes it too energy efficient vs Sabre Slash/Sinister Strike.

Unlike Shaman/Warrior/Hunter/Paladin We Need to use Daggers which really closes off the Rogue and makes it one dimensional in gearing.

I would suggest Sabre Slash goes to 2 combo points as well and is balanced accordingly so it opens up Swords/Hammers.


No they should just revert the Sabre slash changes on the ptr. Both skills were fairly balanced before that.


If it doesn’t give 2 combo points it will never catch up. Built in talents giving energy for using finishers and getting to them faster just makes it too much worse. Sabre Slash would need to do such ridiculous damage to possibly keep up.


It is literally simming comparably to mutilate right now at the tail end of phase 3. Go to the simonize rogue discord and look at the build and numbers for it. You’re completely stuck on 2 combo points without acknowledging that a fully ramped up Saber slash hits extremely hard to make up for it. The changes in the ptr gut that. Revert it and it’s fine for phase 4.

If you do both PvE and PvP, Swords/Maces/Fist are dead weapons. Mutilate is still better in PvE and the ONLY option in PvP.

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Mutilate needs to be 60 energy. That alone makes it so they have more choices for how to make the class have more options.

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Yeah, but you don’t need to nerf rogues best ability to bring it in line, you need to buff the other option in a way that makes it useable.

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It should have never been 40 energy in the first place. I don’t consider that a nerf. That is putting it back where it should have been from the start. They made an entire rune dedicated to dropping backstab and ambush to 40 energy then moved mutilate for free. It was a garbage decision then and it remains a garbage decision now.

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You dont consider taking Mutilate from 40 to 60 a nerf because in your head it should not have been there… What is the point of having a logical conversation with you then.


As much sense as this makes.

They can’t take an L that they did something wrong so… Gl

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I do agree it’s the only option for pvp. It would be nice if they were more comparable for that.

The tooltip doesn’t reflect the damage amplification but it is still there. SS is buffed compared to Live.

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It was originally 60 energy in phase 1. It was panic changed to 40 in phase 2 when they figured out just how bad the rogue was going to be that phase. Then they didn’t revert it in phase 3 because whiners like you would have cried.

See the thing is I can’t have a logical discussion with you because you don’t even understand just how design breaking 40 energy mutilate is.


Thanks for the info. I didn’t realize the tooltip wasn’t reflecting that.

Actually, I was stating how much worse Sabre Slash is than Mutilate. You stated it wouldnt be a nerf to nerf Mutilate. That is not whining. Logic would state taking Mutilate from 40 energy to 60 energy is a nerf. That is why we cannot have a logical discussion. If there is a balance reason to do so, then fine… But you are being disingenuous.


It was originally 60 energy in sod! Saber slash absolutely needs to be buffed. But they won’t be able to get a good sense of how much they should buff it until mutilate is back to 60 energy where it started. You are hyper focused on whether it is a nerf. I am saying it doesn’t matter what you call it because the class as a whole can’t be balanced when mutilate is 40 energy.

The plan with the class was balance around a 60 energy mutilate. Saber slash in its original iteration worked when mutilate was 60 energy. Blizzard clearly thinks phase 3 saber slash is too strong so they gutted it back to where it was in phase 2. The issue is that if they are going to keep mutilate at 40 energy, every other combo builder now has to be insane to be a viable alternative.

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Mutilate is a two button rotation so the devs QA could test it to 100% perfection in about two minutes.


Which is absolutely wild to me. Saber Slash is playable but still below Mutilate. You can’t PvP as a Saber Slash build either and it does notably worse on a few fights.


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Don’t get me wrong, I also think this is crazy. The only thing I can figure is that they have some stupidly overpowered 1h sword they think is going to push it beyond mutilate. Even that sounds stupid when I type it out.

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Pretty sure I’ve told you already why you’re completely wrong about this. Take the lesson and stop posting bad opinions.

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