Mutilate vs Sabre Slash

So “barely” that there are how many rogues using Saber at the top of the charts in P3?

I mean the amount of players has nothing to do with its dps potential.

Not true. That other dope tried to argue this point with me as well. In Classic, both daggers and swords were represented in the top 25. I bet I don’t find a single sword rogue in the top 25. I am not even sure how far down I have to go to find one. Going to go check for kicks and giggles.

Did i just get called a “dope”?

No. I have been arguing in a civil manner with you for 5 years now…

I just looked it up, it means a stupid person.

So it would be accurate.

In P3 there are precisely zero rogues in the top 100 using saber slash as their main attack.

That said, they kept the damage the same for saber slash and reduced the ramp from 5 to 3 in the PTR so maybe it will be roughly equivalent to Mutilate in P4. Not sure about that yet.

If true, that is at least something. I am worried we will simply go from Mutilate to Saber though and that’s exactly the arms race Wilding is describing. Hoping to avoid that, but as you say…welcome to SOD.

They can tune damage but it would make it where the people that want other weapon options get it

Or they could just put Mutilate back to 60 energy and tune all 4 primary builders so you have more options for weapons and styles. The weapon specialization for skills is one of the few things that distinguish rogues from other classes.

All that said, if they are going to experiment with Mutilate allowing more than just daggers, I would rather they do it in SOD than in a potential Classic+. If it works, great. If not, at least they know.

Minimal effort is being put into sod. I think my suggestion is more realistic if any changes are to be had, no way theyre going to adjust all of our generators.

I honestly believe well be forced to play daggers/mutilate until the end

What if saber slash had a 30% chance on bleed tick to grant a combo point or bonus energy?

Idk just throwing ideas out there

saber slash needs to be 40 energy base line also additional damage or a 25%-35% on hit chance to give another combo point to be equivalent to mutilate

Then saber slash pulls ahead and we are all saber slash now.

Then what?

Sounds like a nightmare for you. I can’t really say much though because I wouldn’t like a pure saber slash meta either. It is why I keep harping on trying to make it so there are 2 viable dps builds. I am convinced they are going to eventually over tune saber slash and #sigh.