Muted InGame for over 24 hrs, Due to Selling Enchants

I didn’t read the full thread so if this was already pointed out :man_shrugging:

Level 1 accounts? What do you mean? Classic is not like live WoW. Starter accounts do not get access.

A subscription is required.

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Spam… clearly just as bad as theft and driving under the influence in irl.
do you report people for getting a brew from goldshire then mounting up under the influence?

just mute the people who spam if it offends you so much.

LOL, no I haven’t, but your <3 kind of gave me a clue, plus you have actually been standing up for my views, and I appreciate that. I will however, look up the reference LOL.

Oh OK, slight spoiler-alert xD

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Except you continue to respond and attempt to display your perceived superiority over others by saying “I report” over and over again. You care, and you want us to care that you care by saying you don’t care.

why not just leave the profanity filter on? then you cant even tell what they are saying without the context of reading the whole post they made.

like how hard is it to just ignore people. i don’t think i’ve ever reported someone for chat, speech, spam, etc.

just block and move on.

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Thats terrible, Muting shouldnt be in classic #nochanges

the i don’t care is about the names they seem fit to call me. I don’t care about the names.

I care about the chat, or I wouldn’t be trying to do my part to clean it up.

however, on that note, I’m done with this thread.

ya’all have given me one heck of a headache. And I now feel the urge to go kill a bunch of trolls in STV. I might even give them fictitious names first.

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Layering and right click reporting are being abused just the way we thought they would. Pathetic blizzard.

Yeah guys, let’s all believe this poor innocent guy was just selling his enchants. One message an hour in trade chat! He got unjustly muted, surely!

1 post, this was just too easy for him.


I like the cut of your jib.

This is a game though. It is meant to be a refuge from real life.

It was once a place where you could roleplay and step back and not have to get involved in neighborly disputes.

The reason it is in the shape it is now is because of entitlement.

People simply cannot things let be. They constantly have to have an opinion and have it validated.

You could just very simply disable chat and have a wholly new and enriched experience.

When I was younger I watched my dad scold another person’s child for stealing at a convenience store. The other parent thanked him.

Times have changed. But that doesn’t mean they are better or worse. The world isn’t better or worse. It is different.

You’ve changed. That’s all. Subjectivity and objectivity are important in this regard.

If someone is typing a lot in chat in regards to how to do a quest, flooding general chat, do you report them? Why is this different? Subjectively the chat is still flooded and you are still upset. Why though? You can still very simply ignore that person. Oh but it’s different because they’re explaining a quest to someone? That they could in whispers? What makes it better or worse?

Your entitlement to what you feel is morally right and wrong. Entirely.

So someone is having a great experience utilizing their professions from great time investment and effort and you not only chastise them but then run to the authorities?

What do you do when you’re tired of commercials on TV? Or solicitors at your front door? Or coupons in the mail?

There is no recourse for those nagging annoyances so you do what? Ignore them? Gripe about them to your church group?

You could do the same here and just live and let live and move on. But you want what you want and you want it now.

Yes, the world really has changed.


Walla-walla words.

Rant on, bro.

Just appeal it in the blizzard web chat system (NOT THE INGAME SYSTEM). Basically if enough people report you for any reason, the game auto bans you. Trust me, my guild is well hated and has gone through this many times. Do not use the in-game appeal system because they will just ignore it and mark as resolved. You must use the web system on the website and wait for a chat response. This happened so often to me and a few people that we would get several week bans without doing anything, so I’m assuming once it happens to many times and you appeal it, the GMs either disable auto bans for you, or increase the required amount, because I have not been banned at all since my 3rd consecutive ban appeal.

Edit: I have transcipts from the GM convos that I can send if you want. Basically, as long as you were not spamming, you can get the ban lifted. However, “spamming” is sort of a grey area, and 1 of my guildy’s appeal did not get lifted because he typed the same thing 3 times into trade chat within 60 mins, which for some reason they considered spam.

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Hear that guys?!? Once the chat channel is moving fast, every post is spam!

You could just leave the chat channel, since you’re anti social anyway. Just leave innocent people alone.

The appeal goes to the same place, just like tickets in-game or through the web. It’s the same system.

It’s called a squelch.

That is for billing and tech support, not appeals.

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1: No it’s not. The chat system they’re forced to chat with you within a few minutes, not get around to your ticket 24 hours later only to mark as resolved and completely ignore you like it has happened EVERY time.

2: Call it whatever you want

3: Again, no it’s not. I can literally send you the transcript if you don’t believe me.

Please don’t comment unless you know what you’re talking about. We don’t need anymore bad info than they’re already is floating around.

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Call CS, ask for refund. Blizzard will look at it faster.

Everyone saw that RCR will be abused. It wasn’t needed in Classic. Or at least they should account penalize those who overreport. Basically rate the reporter. Known fraudsters should have their reports go into void.


I’ve been a regular in the CS forum (old and new forums) since 2007 I know what I’m talking about.


This was my first thought, but I feel like at this point someone would have confirmed OP as spamming. I think this actually is just a case of RCR abuse. I wish there was a steeper punishment, or any punishment for abusing this mechanic.