Multiple groups abandoned due to no tanks. LFG is not working

Sucks for them.

Nah, its just 1 very loud forum troll with a million alts pretending to want rdf. The rest of us are sane.


Blizz is going to allow race, faction and name changes. The entire purpose of no cross realming was accountability. Well thats going to be gone.


I saw ppl psting will pay tank 200g today. I joined lol.

Fixed it for you. Since the current LFG is a Retail tool and RDF is a Wrath tool. We would like the right tool added which is RDF.


but the other guy said there are too many paladins and dks, that there are tanks everywhere


RDF doesn’t magically make more tanks… there is a reason it takes 30 minutes in DPS queue on retail


Imagine having to work with other people in a social game. Sometimes you can dps, sometimes you have to tank. Throw a shield on and tank. Your supposed to be a warrior, quit sniveling and be a warrior.


HAH. this is an amusing statement.


If you want a tank play one. Don’t want to tank? Cry then, or laugh or quit. It won’t make tanks magically appear.


There is a shadow dimension where every DK is dual specced tank and tank and no pallies have ever gone ret. On their forums 80% of the threads are people complaining about there not being any DPS in LFG and won’t Blazzird plz implement FDR…

No it wouldn’t, because they are cross realm so the tank shortage appears to be less.
A dps queue peak times in RDF will be 15 to 20 minutes, instant to 5 minutes for a tank and heals, but the point is you get one, if you read the op properly it says they didn’t get one even after 30 plus minutes.
Last night I was in my LFD for literally 2.5 hours and not one other person in the range I am levelling that toon was there.


None of this is real. All of this happens as much or more in LFG groups.

RDF causes tanks to be assigned in an orderly fashion, rather than who can shout the loudest. Queues on live for dps are generally < 5 mins.


Sounds like an incentive to make a tank, to me.

You’re aware the dearth of tanks exists in all realms, and that RDF would not affect your queue times?

Then you didn’t log in for 3 days.


At least with RDF you could, y’know, go out into the world while you wait. On one hand you are waiting 30 minutes and constantly refreshing and keeping a very close eye on LFG in the event a tank signs up (there are always multiple groups doing the same thing) and you have to get to that tank before the other group does. On the other hand, with RDF, you wait 30 minutes, but in that 30 minutes you can do your rounds of Sons of Hodir dailies, fishing and cooking daily, maybe knock out a few quests for loremaster… you know, actually get out into the world and enjoy the game. What sounds better?


i havent had too much trouble joining/making groups as a dps. on my server (atiesh) theres a very large wave of casual players hitting 80 this week, so dungeons will be popping off for another week or 2 at least, but it will eventually be an issue, for sure.

if they’re adamant about not adding RDF, the only other possible fix I can think of is pushing ulduar sooner so heroic plus is active longer

sure thing there.

That’s weird I haven’t had any issues running dungeons whatsoever. Maybe the problem is you

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Yeah, been tried, failed miserably.

What is it with you people and promoting stupid ideas that have failed before?