Multiple groups abandoned due to no tanks. LFG is not working

I haven’t been able to run a 5 man in 3 days.

Been in multiple groups that have formed, heals and 3 DPS. Waited 30+ minutes, everyone spamming, no bites.

“Deerrrrr join a guild” is not an answer.

The answer is RDF, period. There is no point in playing this game without being able to do dungeon runs. We need a bigger tank pool, suffering servers need RFD at this point.


Healers and tanks are already starting to charge gold per run.


I’ve noticed this too, it’s unacceptable. There is a tool to solve this issue, Blizzard has it, they just refuse to put it in to make the sweat lords happy.


This is why i rolled tank and now i run whatever i want lol


Ah yes, it’s quite a problem.

See, if you’re on a mega-server, you have absolutely no issue finding groups (this has been my experience on faerlina). However, queue times are between 4 and 10 hours depending on time of day.

If you aren’t on a mega-server, the population is so small that there are never enough tanks/heals (even with duel spec). Bliz tried to incentivize tank/heals in dungeons by offering a gift package per dungeon completed as tank/heals. However, they recently HARD nerfed those packages, making it much less of an incentive.

So yeah, it’s a lose lose win that Bliz has set up. Either play on a megaserver (too late they are locked) and suffer full-day queue times, or play on a soon-to-be-dead server and spend 2 hours (or 200g) forming groups per dungeon run. Of course the only one winning is bliz, since they make money either way.

Imagine my frustration with the community when, having seen all these issues coming a year ago (since they’re literally fu**ing obvious), to this day people still shill blizzard’s decision to not include RDF and ignore the mega-server faction issue.


Is this on a fresh server or dead faction? All realms are Medium or higher, that’s at least thousands of people per server, healthy enough pop.


RDF doesn’t conjure tanks. Tank shortages are not unique to any particular server. If you had to spam lfg for 30 min to find a tank, then the queue for RDF would also be 30 min.


One of the fresh servers. The issue cropped up within 6 weeks.

Make a tank help us out


So RDF is going to spawn a tank that clearly doesn’t exist or isn’t interested in running a dungeon?

You want cross server grouping and to that I am strongly, strongly opposed. You think the community is toxic now? Wait to see how toxic it will get if there are 0 repercussions because reputation doesn’t matter because they’ll be grouped with a dozen other servers.

People getting cussed out, vote kicked out, people afking, people being a general nuisance.

No thanks

Maybe don’t play on a dead realm is probably the answer, or maybe even roll a tank?


Let me buy another boost and I’ll add another tank to the pool. I’m not doing the 1-60 grind without the 50% exp buff.




Now that my wife and I are fully pre raid BiS we have been charging to tank/heal. It’s been a nice money maker for us so far.


Nothing is more the spirit of classic than spamming an in game channel for 20-40 min to find a Tank,. It lets you get a whole lot of questing done while you wait for your tank to show up,


It does not “spawn a tank”, but it does place you into a queue. So it’s first come first serve rather than waiting staring longingly at the LFG screen hitting refresh.

As a tank, I 100% get why a DPS would want this feature added into the game.


Tanking isn’t too bad TBH try doing it and you’ll find groups in no time.

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It doesn’t spawn tanks. It sure the heck will have more tanks running dungeons than without RDF.

So it might as well spawn them.


x2, BDK > UHDK very very fun and hits like a truck

RDF does not create more tanks, or doesn’t create an appreciable amount of tanks(factoring in people who now have a tank OS with dual spec). All it does is increase the pool of potential tanks, while also increasing the pool of potential DPS as well.

You will still have to wait in either system if you do not want to tank/can’t tank. The increase in DPS from RDF will more than over shadow the increase in potential tanks. RDF is something I would like because I enjoy the feature, but it’s not gonna cure the issues with group forming more than the current LFG tool does.


Actually I stand corrected. I play a DK tank and I don’t have full brutal or SWP, so I would actually get denied because it would take 5 whole min less in full SWP. Instead I make my own group(s) and let new or returning players in.