No, the same people are getting in, its just a line in all the connected realms instead of just your own. And it wont make it faster for you, because now for every 1 tank you get access to you also have to wait behind another 3+ dps.
I never claimed it would. More tanks = more groups. I don’t care how many DPS are waiting in line, it’s all about how many tanks there are.
How would it not matter with RDF? You think there’s a realm filled with level 49s waiting to do whatever dungeon that person wants to?
I mean, they have a history of sticking to their word, right? Lol! Pure copium on your part.
It doesnt make more tanks though. It just lets you access them, at the coat of all those other dps now access the tanks you had access to before rdf.
It doesnt make more groups overall it just averages the wait time for tanks and healers between all connected realms.
To the anti rdf people, could you please include what server you play on when you respond with “I don’t have any problems getting groups it must be a you problem”.
Do you guys understand there is a huge difference between finding groups on a mega server with 20k+ people on it vs one that has less than 2k?
It kinda does. We’re hard capped on tanks per servers.
It’s simple really (assuming the following is a server locked RDF, which I’m sure you’ll take umbrage with). Right now, today, let’s say a server has 100 tanks that will do the Occulus daily heroic. That’s 100 groups, 500 (potential) players who will get the daily done.
If you add RDF, no more locked dailies and the same 100 tanks. Should a mere 5 of those tanks run the daily random 1 more time, that’s 20 extra potential non-tanks who get a run bringing the total to 520. Multiply those extra tank runs according to your server population and that’s a signifigant number of EXTRA runs that are not possible in any way shape or form in today’s setup.
Adding RDF increases the total heroic runs, per server, per day. And if you’re disputing that, you don’t understand math.
No, you misunderstand them. Its No changes, unless its something they like.
Anti-RDF people have no principles. Between flip flopping on no changes, accepting retail features like LFG tool and heroic+, and we all know they’ll be the first ones rushing to use RDF if it is added. They don’t care about anything and will never commit to anything.
Even with RDF there isn’t a reward good enough to make tanks want to queue for randoms. Just like in retail, there are plenty of tanks, just not for your random pug. Any tank/healer worth their salt is already running groups with their guild.
I ground randoms for a solid month to get a full set of heirlooms. Between that, tank alts, and helping out guild mates you only need 3-5% of a big server’s tanks to run twice.
5% out of a thousand is enough to make a dent.
Which is why their anti rdf positions make no sense since they would still play the exact same way they do now where most of their runs are with guildies or friends.
But they can’t figure out rdf is optional or they think if rdf was added, all of those friends and guildies would just use rdf and not bother doing pre made or geared LFG speed runs anymore. FYI even if rdf was added, you would still be able to form your speed run groups using lfg, guild chat, your friends list, and discord.
Its less healers on my realm for some reason,
not tanks since everyone playing plate. I have to say tho I do love when i get tip 100+ gold for doing an heroic i was going to do anyways.
And they could just queue RDF together. So they’d still benefit.
Sounds like you’re saying I should level my shaman
Hey if your server needs healers its really good gold and i even got my epic flying from it. Out of all the runs I’ve done I’ve only been scam once with a guy saying he would pay 150g and never did.
The answer is to join a mega server…
Oh wait…
Your retail realm has RDF though.
Ive played all roles and i think rdf is good for lower than max level content, op is like 35 and probably cant run classic dungeons cuz most people arent leveling tank/healer and thay aren’t leveling cuz solo leveling as thos rolls suck solo,
RDF make it easy for a tank/hear to level as those specks and get experience playing those rolls.
My level 25 aly pally want to run rfk but i cant even find dps to go with me if we had RFD i could q for it and get 4 people that picked “random”. However heroic should never see RDF