Multiboxing wasn't the issue

I’ve made over 7 million so far. Well, I should say my husband has with his five Druids.

And he does not crash the market. All we can do is try to sell what we can before the whales (which are the real culprits here, imo) start relisting their stuff and they have thousands of items to our puny hundreds.

You’re part of the problem here, or well he is.

I don’t think you know what the problem is. We are just a drop in the bucket. Doing honest work with 1 or 5 toons is not how you make the big bucks in this game. It’s AH flipping or just buying gold, which is why bots still exist.

The whales in this game laugh at our puny 1 and 7 million bank.

I never said it stopped. Shows how little you actual read. I said in this thread that multiboxing is less bad now, not gone.

The two things you compared aren’t the same. One was actual things happening, the other is sentiment.

So you think the majority of players support multiboxers. Got it. My favorite part is when you guys all upvote each other and then flag stuff you don’t like. The most flagged posts I have ever had came from these types of threads.

You literally said MB can’t pay for their accounts with herbs anymore and that they would have to find another way. It’s right here:

No, I never said that so you got nothing.

Nice try but no. Boxxers can try to to play it off that they where honestly gaming but that is not so and automated systems used to control multi accounts is a type of botting. ToS says no. /end of story.

nah, it’s pvp.
you just want to call it “cheating”, because you don’t like it when you’re outnumbered.

you were playing a long time before crz existed.

please explain.
multiple characters controlled by a single player are at a serious disadvantage in PvP due to the fact that they must focus a single target, at most they will kill one then get slaughtered (mass fear, find the leader etc. works awesome to mess with them).

Blizzard has stated that multiboxing is NOT cheating or against the rules so if you feel differently then it’s on you to explain why.



I wasn’t speaking in some absolute… I’m saying in general. MOST of the multiboxing has stopped which means MOST of them aren’t paying for it with herbs. I specifically said HERBS for a reason. If they have another way… GREAT… good for you and yours.

I didn’t say you said or implied that you did.

Then what is this?

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I mean…if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Am I responding to you or are you seriously posting on multiple toons?


it’s not a goose.

Post counts are not shared so… I’ll let you figure that one out on your own.

And I don’t understand you. You say something then you say you didn’t say it. I even quote where you said it and you still deny it.

Is your name Shaggy?

Am I responding to you or not?

Are you Teufelgott?

If no… then why are you asking me?

My issue with MB’s is more stemmed from the botters who MB. Also there was a period in bfa where MB’s would join a bg and it really screwed up the bg because of it.

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No, I’m not and it took me a second to figure out what you’re talking about. I got the notification that you were replying to me so I thought you were.

You know he doesn’t say that the majority of people support MB either.

Look, I get people don’t like to read the whole thread, but if you’re going to respond and say something, at least get your info sorted.

They said this…

All I said was the majority don’t support it. They disagreed with my statement. The opposite of what I said then is that the majority support.

If the majority don’t support it, then clearly in their opinion the majority do support multiboxing.

He’s point is there was never a survey and to say “most people support it” or “most people don’t support it” is making up statistics.

He goes on to say that making crap up doesn’t support your argument, it does the opposite.

I wouldn’t wag your finger at someone for not reading when you clearly didn’t read and understand what he said.

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I’m not making up things. Either the majority do or don’t support it. If you seriously think the majority of players support multiboxing, then there isn’t much reason in discussing any of this.

Quit trying to complicate an obviously simple statement.