Multiboxing wasn't the issue

fight a multiboxer in pvp they were 100% an issue do not defend the blatant cheating


I’ve tried to read most of the thread to understand - I kinda need someone to explain what multiboxing is… I sort of get the jist of paid carries. And why does it take gold to do it? Is it a player on several characters using a bunch of computers at home?

Running multiple instances of WoW at the same time to control more than one character at the same time.

total characters x normal gold for one character. no more or less.

could be yes, but most computers can handle more than one instance of WoW , I have 4 screens so could easily run 4 with no issues.

O my goodness!! How??? (Edit - got it) And that’s so totally… up!

I still multibox 8 accounts, the ban of the software made much harder to do it, however you can still do it, gathering herbs and minerals is mostly the same, it only takes a few seconds more to collect, however i can say that botting is the real issue, multiboxer were the scape goat, shadowlands is taken by bots farming 24/7.



They were both bad. Now one of them is less bad.

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Multiboxing was still a problem, just not as a big a problem as botting in general.

I’ll agree with that.


There you focus on one that doesn’t seem to apply (though nothing says that they started thinking about this or had the data to operate on this 17 years ago), but say nothing of the other two.

You’re saying that “if bad guys don’t follow rules then don’t make laws” is a silly (false) argument (which I agree with you on). You then go on to equate this with “bad guys don’t follow the rules so you shouldn’t secure your property”, which I disagree is equivalent.

Whether your original statement is true or not is immaterial, and your comparison is not “100% fine”. You used an analogy of locks to laws. The comparison is not the same as laws to laws. There certainly are other reasons to lock your items, including obstructing, dissuading, or delaying a thief.

You might think this is unimportant, but it leads people to think these kinds of comparisons are logically sound. The statement is misleading, and using sarcasm to sway public emotion only increases its prevalence. If you have a valid argument, you shouldn’t need to try to argue with rhetoric or snark.

That could be a decent counter for that portion, yes, though I still would probably pick that over jail time. It’s still (possible) legal ramifications, of a different sort, and it could have a greater impact than what I first stated.

Anyways, this has become verbose and fairly digressive, so I’ll leave it at that. I’m not knocking the content of your points, just that the framework in which they were presented was problematic.

I haven’t seen any.

You’re right. That’s another problem we need to solve. Let’s get rid of “boosting” services entirely, in addition to multi-boxing, as both are inherently against the spirit of the game.

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Eh… it’s a little more than just petty envy. I think it’s perfectly legitimate to want to place strong limits on how much funding an individual has access to influences gameplay. I say this as someone who could afford tokens for carries or a considerable multiboxing setup if I ever chose to do that.

Of course cosmetics are another matter — anybody who goes out their way to spite those who’ve bought shop transmog/pets are sad losers — but once you start touching non-fluff parts of the game things get more shaky.

Personally, even tokens for carries doesn’t sit quite right with me. No problems with carries paid for using gold earned in game, just keep real life cash out of the equation.

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This shows you know nothing about MBing. My husband still makes millions of gold doing it. Banning ISBoxer just slowed him down about… 30% we’re guessing. Probably less.

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Blizzard thinned out the herd of legitimate multiboxers. Everyone knew that would be the result. Have to assume the folks at Blizzard knew it too. So mission accomplished?

The only thing it thinned out is those that wanted to one shot people in pvp. MB and herbing is still extremely easy.

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The same thing can be said of your opinion:

I didn’t get the survey. Neither did anybody else. Making up statistics and inventing facts doesn’t help your argument. Quite the opposite, in fact.


I don’t wanna wreck your weekend, but Blizzard hasn’t banned multiboxing.


Honestly multiboxing shouldn’t be allowed either besides rare scenarios. You guys are trying way too hard.

You can’t do this.
Eat your heart out.

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Trying way to hard to do what?

To play a video game.