Multiboxing thread that I am looking for a blue response

The idea that because there was a time that multiboxing wasn’t considered problematic enough to address then it can’t possibly have become problematic enough to address is a special brand of foolishness.

As an analogy, there was a time when industrial dumping in the United States was completely unregulated. Refineries even dumped gasoline into rivers to get rid of it when demand was low. As the variety and amount of dumping activity increased the problems with this became a lot more evident to everyone. Regulations and laws were put in place to deal with it. Only a real knucklehead would try to argue that this was inappropriate, and if you look you’ll find them. Just like you’ll find them in this thread. :laughing:

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I have not been bothered by carpal tunnel since I gave up gluten. It’s been many years since it was a problem for me.

uh, yeah. that’s how spam on pretty much any forum or website works. you have one topic where everyone discusses the article or issue or whatever, any other beyond that is spam because it’s unnecessary

Don’t like multiboxing at all.

With that said, this thread probably belongs in Customer Support if you’re looking for a blue response, and I bet you’ll get a vague “we can’t tell you” response in either case.

There isn’t really any need for clarification, it is easily summoned up as said here.

If your pushing one button (mouse or keyboard) per character to do something, you should be fine. If your pushing one button (mouse or keyboard) and having something happen on more than one character, it likely isn’t.

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I don’t understand the confusion. I have two accounts open at once and I just use follow and or one does auction house while the other plays. What the heck are you doing that you are concerned about this.

They have previously stated putting characters on follow is okay - it is literally build in the game you can do that.

Probably under this definition.

Creating Duplicate Threads
This category includes:

Creating threads about existing topics
Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

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I would bet the two main things to watch out for are:

  • 1 buttonpress/mouseclick = 1 action on 1 character
  • No use of software that is capable of cloning, even if you’re not using the cloning feature

For the second one, Warden is likely to be tripped by such software even being installed even if it’s not running, so how it’s being used is irrelevant.


This will wipe away 90% of the forums

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Yeah, this isn’t true.

Surprising if that’s the case, I guess Warden is less aggressive than most anti-cheat software then?

I don’t know what you are comparing it to so who knows?

If I was trying this I would stack the windows on top of each other so that only the action bar of the next window was visible under the current window. Then I’d just click down the stacked action bars. I wonder if there is some way to float the action bars outside of the window?

As well it should.

it seems obvious that they dont want multiboxers at all anymore.
sounds streamlined to me :wink:

I’m going to start multiboxing again


So I can use multiple monitors and use the built-in mouse over scroll wheel over inactive windows and move my mouse really fast above each window right.

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just open each game window in a different monitor. You can even run classic in one window and retail in another, lol


Can we still use addons that help us group together and share/accept quests?

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I wouldn’t risk it myself. Just click for each character you have, one after the other.